How to Survive Law School?

For foreign students, the first proble is language. A good advice is to come to the United States a little earlier, say one or two months before the school starts, and try to get used to a English-speaking environment.
Here are some basic Dos:

Do the assigned reading.

Do the homework. Then when you finish the homework, review.

Do go to class. 

Do review your class notes.

Do limit your social life. This is simply a sacrifice you have to make. 

Do get to know your professors. 

Do talk in class.

Don't work at a job. The program is only for one year, you will have plenty of time to work in the future!

Don't be shy about your poor English. You won't improve if you don't practice.

Here are some tips:

- tape the lecture, if the professor does not disallow.
- ask native-speaker students for help.