HITT #9:
1: Sora's a freakin goodie-2-shoes..
2: She thinks she's just SO perfect...
3: She's a freakin FATASS and shes always trying 2 MOON us on the show.
4: She has NASTY NASTY ass tight pants.
5: She's useless
6: She's always prancing around in those spandex of hers going "BIYOMON I LOVE U!" like the stupid retard she is
7: She fake cries JUST so tai and matt will pay attention to her.
8: She pretends to swallow herself in self-pity RIGHT after Matt does in that stupid cave JUST so Matt and Joe could comfort her.
9: She makes home-made cookies for matt thinking it'll get him to like her...GAYASS!
10: She spoils the fun in EVERYTHING
11: She thinks she's a tom-boy...but...ummm...no... she's just a fab
12: She thinks she's all motherly..but...no..she's just a gayass fag who's NOT funny
13: She thinks that matt and tai like her in the show...but NO! Why would they like you?! You're a LOSER!!
14: I couldn't care less about her gay problems.......with her mother
15: She's so freakin ugly
16: I wanna slap her across the face for being so ugly, especially in her 02 profile picture thingy. EW!! She's SO ugly. Just LOOK AT how she STANDS! And I hate that goofy smile she has on that ugly face of hers.
17: She thinks she's so cool now that she takes tennis...um...NO! U're still an ugly fag.
18: Her hair never changes in anway though out the WHOLE series.......not even when their old.
19: She has a really gay voice...and have you heard how she screams? She goes "OOOHHH!!!" like an old lady or something!
20: She's ALWAYS pretending to cry! Either that or she cries over the smallest and gayest things!
ME: (sobbing into shirt) THAT was SO gorgeous!!!!! Its like you put all my hate 4 that little retard. Everytime I think it just can't get any better I'm always wrong! This is one of the best I have ever read! 21 ways, whys and hows, to hate sora^_^!!!! Oh thankuthankuthankuthankuthankuthanku!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HITT #10:
HITT #11:
1:She's Crap!
HITT #12:
1:SORA SUCKS! I HATE SORA! Believe me, a pig is a prom queen compared to her! In fact, Soras so stupid that she PROBABLY is bi or something! I mean look at the way she's always "nice" to Mimi. (Yeah, nice my @$$) GO TO **** SORA!
HITT #13:
1:Sora how could anyone be ugly and have a split personality like her! She's a dumbass,and a goodie two shoes.I hate her and everyone here hates her.She's so stuck up dumb and a stupid show off.And also she flirts.What a dumbass . . .
HITT #14:
1:Why I hate Sora 1.She's butt ugly 2.She made tai feel sad at Christmas 3.She's gay and she is a dumbass 4.She thinks she could win Tai or anyboys love! 5.She hates MiMi 6.She flirts with boys 7.She thinks she's sooo motherly! Like as if! 8.She's so stuck up! 9.She's a loser and Tennis? Pleaz the last thing she could do is at least make people barf! 10.She's sooo hatable! That's Why I HATE Sora
HITT #15:
1:I HATE SORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's sooooooo stuck up a show off and hates MiMi! How dare her!I really hate her.
HITT #16:
1:okeee,lets begin. Sora is a fag!!!!a loser!she's got phycic problems! Her little head isn't ticking right!She's a freak!She has no character!And she'll never ever ever!EVER!!!Top MiMi!!!!so Sora can shuve her head up her A**! cause it mighty just make her a bit brittier!!!!!!
HITT #17:
1:Let's see what the scipt says...blahblahblahSora is the most prefect person in the worldblahblah! WAIT A MINTUNE! SORA IS THE BEST Digi girl, and if I'm lying, let lighting stike Sora.*Watchs Sora get fryed*
HITT #18:
1:Truthfully, when I first saw digimon, I really thought Sora was a guy, and that Mimi was the only girl there (which sorta made me feel sorry for her). Then I went online, and found out that Sora's really a girl, which surprised me ^^* But I didn't feel so bad for Mimi anymore, and I guess Sora started to grow on me when she became Mimi's best friend. Now I just hate Sora. Okay, #1, I don't see why the creators made her Mimi's best friend anymore. They have nothing in common, and every time I watch the show, it seems like Sora's trying to backstab Mimi. How? Well this brings me to #2: SHE STOLE YAMA AWAY!!! *fumes* I think I should point out now that I'm a big Mimato/Michi fan, but Digimon is no fun to watch now that Sora's in the way. She breaks Tai's heart, she backstabs Mimi (HER BEST FRIEND< FOR GOD'S SAKE!), and she manipulates Matt! She's a witch! She must've manipulated Matt, I mean, there's nothing a guy like him could see in a girl like her! I am totally convinced tha! t the creators were smoking something REALLY strong when they came up with that whole Sora + Matt thing. Hm, they must've been smoking the same thing when they invented Sora in the first place. Whew, glad I finally got that out of my system ^_^
HITT #19:
1:SORA SUX!!!! Rumor has it that they DIVORCE after marriage! Her'e a clue- Matt OBVIOUSLY became an astronaut to escape Sorato! From-Alyssa
HITT #20:
1:okay to begin with she is really damn ugly i cant bear to see her face. she tries half of the time to be like mimi but never succeeds because she is as pretty as an old mans ass.i mean look at her people. how can anybody and i mean anybody like her.here i list all of her qualities: she sucks up,cant comb or do anything with her hair,constantly suck up to tai when matt is her boyfriend,will eat shit if you ask her to,and etc. it would take me a year and a half to name everything wrong about him oops thought she was a guy again. MIMI RULES OR IN OTHER WORDS KICKS ASS AND SORA KISSES ASS!!!!!!!!
HITT #21:
1:Sora Takenbitchy is an ugly girl who doesnt deserve to live....i mean look AT HER!!!! she cant even beat mimi's good looks and tries to be popular w/ everyone. if she were a mom, i think her kids would run away from her. I mean on that cd pic of sora, shes shown her ass in the front and her skirt is flyin in the wind....she is such a bitch...moping over a stupid clip! sheesh! its just a clip..and if she likes to help people so much, she could've done it right. she couldve helped save the world insetad of goin "stupid tai". or she worries that she has no love (well she doesnt)cause everyone knows that thie mom loves them so what was she mopin abot????? DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DID DIE SORA TAKENBITCHY!!!!
HITT #22:
1:She's ugly She's Annoying She's has no real point of being on the show Her damn bioymon is annoying! Did i mention she is annoying?????? lol AND I JSUT HATE HER!!!!
HITT #23:
1:Dahm i hate Sora!!!She's ugly.Sora fans are only sad sad little persons who are jelous at Mimi.And why does Sora's wearing that ugly helmet.And her digimon sucks too.But hey,ugly with ugly.An ugly Sora and an her ugly parrot-like digimon Yup,and her sense for fasion is pretty bad too.Her hair is stupid huh?It is such a mess man!And her schoolgirlouffit is ugly too.And Sora has a huge forehead!!!You can see it at season2,cause in season1 she was wearing that awfull helmet.She is just a deppressed child who's trying to blame it to her mother.
HITT #24:
1:And to think Sora was my favorite character in season one... okay, so i was really really stupid back then. God, i so agree with you, Sora is a good-for-nothing einstine/barbie wannabe. all she ever wears is her school uniform and she is so... so.. GOODIE GOODIE TWO SHOES! i really *REALLY* think toei people were on crack. what were they thinking when they paired sora and matt? okay, now im raging on about nothing, but it feels nice to let out all my awful feelings about.. SORA.. stupid, stupid.. loner. moron. idiot. quoting the site- buttkisser. (god, its like she lives off licking peoples butts!). okay. i is done now.
HITT #25:
1:I hate sora!!! I hate the episode dat was like christmas, she want 2 be w/ yamato! Like that would eva happen! No1 would want her if she waz the last gurl on earth! she is a mimi disser and mimi just so happens 2 be my favorite charater! She such a faker, who could be that good of a goody 2 shoes, a total suck up 2! Also a preppy wannab, w/ no fashion sense! Look @ dat crap @$$ clothes she wore!
HITT #26:
1:Sora hella sucks and I have no idea why Matt stays with her at the end of season 2.She has no sense of style shes had that same boring hairdue for years she was probably born with it!And what is up with her clothes its so freaky and gay!!!I hate her sooooooooo much!!!!Shes boobless and she has no sense of style!!!Shes probably lesbian and the only reason she disses Mimi is because she knows shell never get a chance with Mimi!!Matt is stupid for liking her too!!
HITT #27:
1:She's always wearing a hat is there something under there she doesn't anyone to see. Maybe her hair is like a dead cat or something!
HITT #28:
1:I have one question for Sora lovers. WHY DO YOU LIKE THAT DUMBASS! The girl is the dullest person on the show. And whoever thinks she's pretty has 2 be blind. Mimi is the main girl, and whoever disagrees with me will never wake up the next day. (SORA IS NOT A GIRL. SHE'S A GAY GUY WHO WANTS TAICHI TO LIKE HER