By:  Muse. E-mail:

Materials Needed:

Rose Incense
Pink Candle
Three Strings
(colors depend on type of person you are hoping for)
Red for passion, Green for Luck..ect.

   After casting your circle, light the candle and the incense. Envision the love you would like to attract.  Picture them physically, and say in your mind our outloud certian personality traits.  If you truly want to envision a specific person, BE SURE to say something along the lines of:  "If we truly are meant to be" during the next part of the spell, other wise you will royally be breaking the rules.

    Take the tree strings and braid them together.  As you do this, keep picturing your love, and perhaps chant something as well.  I find that the chant is best when personalized, otherwise it is less from the heart.

     Also, make sure to braid the strings as nicely as possible, don't be sloppy.  When you are finished, you will have a braided cord.  Tie nine knots in it.  If you already tied one to start the braid, tie only eight, so you end up with nine knots total.  Tie the cord around your ankle.

     By the time the cord falls off, you should meet your true love.

Spell taken from: