A Faery Sat On A Gryphon's Shoulder
A faery sat on my shoulder
She whispered in my ear
Of deeds and tales long forgotten
But still oh so near
She whispered of love and lust and pleasure
Of men and women she had known
All these memories were as treasure
Of the wild oats she had sewn
Life she had seen
And loss she had felt
A pain most keene
I could tell as she knelt
But joy was not beaten
And love not dead
But mearly sleeping waiting to be awoken
If the right word could be said
I told her she had naught to fear
For a faery I had been searching
So I sat....a gryphon..lending it's ear
And still she sits there on my shoulder
And I hold her oh so dear.
BY:  Mark Edwards
ATTN FAERY FANS:  If you like this poem and you want to use it on your site, I ask that you PLEASE e-mail me with the link at the bottom of this paragraph and send me your URL first. I normally am NOT a copyright piggie but I do own the copyright to this and I want to be sure this poem keeps its artistic dignity ..and all that jazz. Thanks guys and girls!