Quatra Raberba Winner: the sweet/inosent boy

Name:  Quarta Raberba Winner
Age:  15
Ethnic origin:  Arabian
POB:  L4 colony cluster
Height:  156cm
Weight:  41kg
Eye colour:  Blue
Hair colour:  Platinum blonde
Mecha: Sandrock
Description:  Quatra is the sweetest of the gundam pilots (except for when he went insane...) He's a pasifist that ends up kicking some major ass when he's inside his gundam.  He thinks that if the colonies could just see that OZ was pulling the wool over their eyes that that would be the first stept to peace.
My opinion:  Quatra would be the perfect boyfriend.. (damn Laylila's lucky *see fan stuff*)...i think that because he's been hurt and that he thinks that he's a test tube baby, that he's very vulnerable *spell check?*