

Mycrofts - Mustelines have a new word. "It's just a sound!" one eyewitness reports!

In Mycrofts yesterday, an anonymous source gave us information on a major revelation in Furcadia history. Everyone knows that every animal makes its own unique sound.

High dude: cats meow, dogs bark, horses neigh, mice squeak, and mustelines.... um...

After that, there was much argument, in which words like 'chitter' and 'twirt' were debated.

But soon, a voice made itself heard. A kind voice. A voice of reason. it said "FOOLS! It's snurklemorps!".

There was a small resistance however...

Binc: What do you MEAN Snurklemorps?
Zab: What are you DRINKING?!?!
Kara Belle: Aww.. Snurklemorps? That's so CUTE!__
Wooly snurklemorps.
Xelholimagog snurkelmorps: Snurklemorp!

Other creatures that aren't musties had a comment as well.

Tibal: Blarglesnarf

The head banana is busy working on what Tibal meant by his "blarglesnarf". We'll try to keep you updated if he figures anything out.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: This page receives the "Inflatable Banana Award" Given to only the inflatable-est, banana-est stories.

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