
The Musteline Take-Over.

Today in the Sanctuary, a subtle change went on. Mustelines started taking over. You remember when Randomism said that the mice were taking over? Then Zab said that Equines were taking over. Well, this time it's Mustelines, and professionals are wondering what will be next. Maybe canines? We'll save that for a later story.

Fotunately, we had someone in the Sanctuary anyway, doing a routine inspection of the dream... making sure it's been properly sterilized, and all that. He sent us this picture, along with a logfile.

Binc: YAY! More Musties!!!
Xelholimagog: I think Im gonna be a musty again!
Xelholimagog melts into a gooey goo!
Xelholimagog re-forms as a MUSTY
Deiamma Zahn frowns
Xelholimagog: Must-Y sounds weird..
Xelholimagog thinks mustie, or musty.
Kara Belle pokes xel
Kara Belle: you gonna be a mustie forever or just for a while?
Xelholimagog: I dunno ;)
Kara Belle mews
Xelholimagog: Wait... Felines Meow, Canines Bark, Equines Neigh.
Gotin: Musties... crow?
Kara Belle: Musties SQUEAK!
Xelholimagog: No, you both have it wrong! its Snurklemorps!
Kara Belle: Yeah... that sounds like a mustie all right!
Gotin: Hm. you're right.
Emmali: Help!

As you can see, this is a terrifying experience for many, especially the cats, like poor Emmali here. Most cats' fear stems from the cats dominating Furcadia early on. But soon they became outnumbered by a bunch of Rodents. The poor cats couldn't eat them all fast enough. It's a sad, sad thing.

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