
Mustelines Take Over Mycrofts

The mustelines have sat around and watched other species take over before them. Now they seem to be getting restless. Once they heard about the rodents trying to take the canal back on Randomism, they decided gathering in large numbers, planning an attack on the rodents. One such gathering was in Mycrofts, which is where our reporter was drinking, when he came across this:

Head Musteline: Hey look... There's a lot of us here.
Binc: Yeah. Hey, can we attack the mice?
Xail: I say we attack them tomorrow!!!
Rufus: YEAH!!!
Sir Mustie: I say we sneak up behind them when they're at the canal, and then.... WE ATTACK!!!
Binc: What time tomorrow? I have a dentist appointment
Head Musteline: Hmm... how is 4:00 pm for everyone?
Binc: 4:00 is fine for me_
Sir Mustie: Hmm, 4:00? Oh yeah, I can make that
Xail: 4:00, check_
Rufus: 4 is fine_
laughin Mustie: Yeah, I think we can all make 4.
Head Musteline: Good. Now here's the plan. We will all go about our normal lives. No mustie gatherings until 4. At 4:00 we all meet back here and sneak out the side door. We then... AMBUSH THE MICE!!!
Head Musteline throws his head back and laughs.
Everyone joins him
Rufus: Okay everyone. NO ONE leak this information!
Head Musteline: Yeah, I'm tired of all our attacks getting caught on the Banana. NO ONE tell Randomism, or the Banana, or the Soup Dish Times, or the Furcadian Enquirer...
Larry: Um... The Soup Dish Times closed last millenium.
Head Musteline: Well... NO ONE TELL CLAWZ!!!
Larry rolls his eyes: All right.
Head Musteline: Meeting adjorned!

Heh, well... It looks like one of them told US. I don't know if Randomism got it though. I'll bet they didn't, since they don't ever report real news.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: This page receives the "Inflatable Banana Award" Given to only the inflatable-est, banana-est stories.

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