
What the Critics Thought of "The Inflatable Banana".

The critics to first review "The Inflatable Banana" gave these comments:

-"Pretty good."
-"I laughed a little bit."
-"Kinda funny."
-"What's their obsession with bananas?"
-"Too much yellow."
-"They should probably get an editor."
-"Sancy the cat swishes her tail at The Inflatable Banana."
-"Nicklas grumbles and wipes up everyone's spills."
-"It will NEVER be better than Randomism!!!"
-"Th1 1nfl4tbl3 b4n4n4 1z 4 tw1nxx0r!"
-"Ooo, Inflatable Banana. Tastes like chicken... *POP!*"
-"I for one, am OFFENDED by the lack of seriousness of the reviews of the previous critics!"
-"DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!! That last critic needs to take a MAJOR chill-pill man!"

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