
Randomism Exposed.

Those of you looking for a funny article, go somewhere else, because this article isn't funny, it just contains the truth.

Now, as you know, Randomism is a much funnier and more influential site than us. They get way more hits per day than us, and that's okay.

What's not okay is when they copy our ideas. It has now happened twice, so we feel that we should tell you about it.

The reason we're putting this here is that we want to tell not only Mr. Randomism that we know what he's doing, but we also want to tell the public. While it's not plagiarism, nor is it any kind of copywright infringement, it is morally wrong. The ideas Randomism has stole aren't particularly good or creative ideas, but someday we at The Inflatable Banana might come up with a good idea, and it might be taken.

In a way, they only took one, but we want to stop it before it gets out of hand. Now, for those of you curious, the sites with more than coincidental similarities are: and
And Randomism's:

Overreacting on that one? Perhaps, that's why we didn't say anything about it then.

The one that really caught our attention:

And Randomism's:

Mr. Randomism, we know you're reading this, so next time, either don't use our ideas, or give proper credit to us next time, because next time it might be a GOOD idea of ours, and not one of our usual Krummy(meaning Krum-like) ones.

Back to my House.