About Me
I'm 14 and love    to do      cheerleading. I'm  trying to help so  please email me for help! I can only give email address. Email yaya_cool2000@
for help with cheerleading. So let's get started now!
Cheer links for you!!!
Chants and cheers
cheer news
more sites
Me as picture
Click on this to go to the cheer starts here!
most images by Brianne Peterson
The key to Cheerchicks, click on key!
1. Smile- Don't ever stop smiling
2. Be happy- Act like your'e enjoying it. Judges won't pick someone who hates  what they're doing
3. Shw your spirit- Wear school colors. Make a ribbon with your colors and wear  it.
4. Look neat- Wear your hair in a neat poni-tail.
5. Yell- don't scream. Judges pick people that they can hear.
   Most Important- Be yourself. Let your true love for it shine through. If you  don't like it, it just isn't the right sport for you.