




Things you might say to your teacher
English Pronunciation
Accent Reduction
Technical Questions

Things you might say to your teacher

I’m sorry, I don’t understand.


What does “chair” mean?

How do you say “X” in English?

How do you spell that?

Is this correct?

What is the past of “go” ?

How do you pronounce this word?

What exactly do we have to do?

Thank you that was a very interesting lesson.

Things your teacher might say to you.

Open your book at page 25

Answer the questions

Write the answers

Work alone / in pairs / in groups

Ask your partner these questions ...

Answer your partner’s questions ...

Listen and repeat … again …

Make the question

Listen to the tape to answer these questions

Copy this into your notebooks

The homework is ...exercise 5, page 11

Well done!


English Pronunciation

  • I have trouble pronouncing the "TH" sound. Can Pronunciation Patterns help me?

  • I have trouble pronouncing the "R" sound. Can Pronunciation Patterns help me?

  • I find it difficult to pronounce some English words, can Pronunciation Patterns help me?

  • Does Pronunciation Patterns teach rules on phonics?

  • How many English sounds does Pronunciation Patterns teach?

  • Does Pronunciation Patterns use International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to teach sounds?

  • How can I use Pronunciation Patterns to learn English pronunciation?

  • Does Pronunciation Patterns provide step-by-step lessons to help me learn English Pronunciation?

  • Can Pronunciation Patterns help me find out whether I pronounce the word correctly?

  • Why is improving pronunciation so important?

  • How can Pronunciation Patterns help me improve my English pronunciation?

  • Can Pronunciation Patterns help me remember the correct pronunciation of English words?

  • Can Pronunciation Patterns help me correct some of the pronunciation habits I have already formed?

  • What is the best way to improve my English Pronunciation?


    Accent Reduction

  • Can Pronunciation Patterns help me reduce my accent?

  • Do you think improving rhythm and intonation is more important than improving pronunciation?

  • When is the letter T pronounced as the D sound?

  • Can I get rid of my foreign accent within 28 days as some products claim?

  • Does Pronunciation Patterns support other accents such as British accent besides American accent?

  • Can Pronunciation Patterns help English speakers who need to reduce their strong regional accents such as southern and New York accent?


    I have trouble pronouncing the "TH" sound. Can Pronunciation Patterns help me?
    There is no easy way to pronounce the "TH" sound. For the words containing the "TH" sound, you just have to make conscious efforts putting your tongue between the teeth when you pronounce the TH sound. Once your subconscious mind accepts the action, you will automatically pronounce the TH sound. Pronunciation Patterns list all the words containing the "TH" sound for you to practice with.

    How many English sounds does Pronunciation Patterns teach?
    Pronunciation Patterns covers all 20 vowel sounds and 24 consonant sounds. It has both the standard IPA or the standard APA to help you learn the 44 English sounds.

    Does Pronunciation Patterns teach rules on phonics?
    Pronunciation Patterns has twenty six alphabet rules, sixteen silent letter rules, fourteen double consonant rules, eighteen two vowel rules, and five ending rules.

    I find it difficult to pronounce English words, can Pronunciation Patterns help me?
    This is very common to all English learners because our minds are hardwired to some sounds and we don't have the mouth muscularity to pronounce some sounds. It takes practice to reform some pronunciation habits.

    I want to share with you an example of mine. I had a hard time saying the OW sound and the OR sound. Therefore, I had a really hard time saying the words such as house vs. horse, loud vs. lord, now vs. nor, etc. However, I could say how, or, sore, and bore with little trouble. I tried to connect how and house together so that I just need to say how+s to say house.

    Very often, we don't have any trouble saying one sound alone but we have trouble saying two sounds together. Our mouth muscle exercise is designed with this in mind. It groups words such how, howl, house, etc together to help you get enough practice and help you use the words you have no trouble saying to learn the words you have trouble.  

    I have trouble pronouncing the "R" sound. Can Pronunciation Patterns help me?
    For the "R" sound, you have to practice to curve your tongue back to pronounce the sound. Pronunciation Patterns has hundreds of words containing the "R" sound to help you practice the words with the "R" sound.

    When is the letter T pronounced as the D sound?
    We have accent reduction and English pronunciation tips for questions like this one in our Pronunciation Patterns forum.

    Does Pronunciation Patterns use International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to teach sounds?
    Yes. We provide both International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and American Phonetic Alphabet (APA) to teach sounds. You just need to uncheck the Apply APA option in the Setting section to have the program to display IPA symbols in the program. Because we provide IPA and APA, we encourage you to learn APA because they are widely used by American dictionary and the phonics rules is based on APA.
