
Just like in an email or in a word processor, you can change the way text looks on your site.

Changing Fonts


Code:  <font face="FONT NAME">

Info: Replace FONT NAME wth one of the fonts from above. If you ever want to change fonts, just add another tag. You can also download fonts at 1001fonts.com.

Font Colors

Example:  (none)

Code:  <font color="hex code>

Info: If you want you can put the color name (i.e. red, yellow, blue, etc.) but it's much easier to add a hex code.

Font Sizes

Example:  (none)

Code:  <font size="NUMBER">

Info: Replace NUMBER with a number 1-7 (one being smallest).

Putting It All Together

Example:  (none)

Code:   <font size="NUMBER" face="FONTNAME" color"HEXCODE">

Info: Instead of adding all 3 codes you can do this for it to be much easier.

Font Extras

Aligning Text


Left Aligned Text

Centered Text

Right Aligned Text

Justified Align

Code:  <p align="BLANK">TEXTHERE</p>

Info: Just change BLANK to left, right, center, orjustify. Justify is good for tables when you want the words to take up the whole line. *you can just put <center> if you want to center text.

Text w/ Background Color

Example:  Yasonline.Tk HTML Help

Code:  <font style="background-color:COLOR NAME;">TEXT</font>

Info: Put in a color name or a hex code.

Spacing Out Letters


Code:  <font style="letter-spacing:NUMBERpt;">TEXT</font>

Info: The NUMBER stands for how far apart each letter is from another. One is the just like regular text. *Don't delete the pt.
