
Example:  ooo magic!

Code:  <marquee>TEXT</marquee>

Bouncing Marquee

Example:  [ Boing, Boing ]

Code:  <marquee behavior=alternate>TEXT</marquee>

Directional Marquee

Example:  Going RIGHT Going UP

Code:  <marquee direction=BLANK>TEXT</a>

Info: Where it says BLANK, put left, right, up, or down.

Marquee w/ Background Color

Example:  FANCY! LOL

Code:  <marquee bgcolor=COLOR>TEXT<marquee>

Info: Just add a color name or hex code where it says COLOR.

Mouseover Marquee

Example:  Put ur mouse on me!

<marquee onMouseover="this.scrollAmount=#" onMouseout="this.scrollAmount=#">TEXT HERE</marquee>

Info: Change the # to any number.

Marquee w/ Different Speeds

Example:  speed 5
speed 15
speed 25

  <marquee scrollamount=#>TEXTHERE<marquee>

Info: Again, just change the #.

Toolbar Marquee

Example:  (Look @ toolbar blow)


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- // Use these to set up the message: var msg = "TEXT HERE" var delay = 30 var startPos = 100 // Don't touch these variables: var timerID = null var timerRunning = false var pos = 0 // Crank it up! StartScrolling() function StartScrolling(){ // Make sure the clock is stopped StopTheClock() // Put in spaces to get "start" position for (var i = 0; i < startPos; i++) msg = " " + msg // Off we go... DoTheScroll() } function StopTheClock(){ if(timerRunning) clearTimeout(timerID) timerRunning = false } function DoTheScroll(){ if (pos < msg.length) self.status = msg.substring(pos, msg.length); else pos=-1; ++pos timerRunning = true timerID = self.setTimeout("DoTheScroll()", delay) } file://--> </SCRIPT>

Info: this is mainly for I.E. users....
