
Basic Link
Example:  Yasonline.Tk

Code:  <a href=URL>TEXT</a>

Info: Replace URL with the the web address of the page you wanna link.

Targeted Link

Example: (open 4 new window)

Code:  <a href="URL" target="TARGETNAME">TEXT</a>

Info: If you're using frames: put the name of the frame you want the link to open up in.

Other Targets
Replace "TARGET" W/
Same window
New window
Whole window
Parent frame

Toolbar Text Link

Example:  /yazi

Code:  <a href="URL"OnMouseOver="window.status='BLAH' ; return true;">LINK TEXT</a>

Info: Just a fancy link; put the message you want to show on your toolbar where it says BLAH

Re-Direction Link

Example:  (none)



Info: It's just to send people who go to one of your pages to automatically go to another page. You can change the 6 to another #, that controls how long people stay at the first site.

Email Link

Example:  Email Me

Code:  <a href="mailto:EMAILHERE">TEXT</a>

Info: Personally, I think it's only good for AOL users.

Mouseover Link


Code:  <a href=""onmouseover="parent.location='URLHERE'">TEXTHERE</a>

Info: Just change URLHERE & TEXTHERE.

Bookmark Us

Example:  Click here to bookmark us

Code:  <a href="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite('BOOKMARKURL',%20'BOOKMARKTITLE')">TEXTHERE</a>

Info: Be sure to change the BOOKMARKURL to the URL of the your page.

Make Us Your Homepage

Example:  Click to make us your homepage!

Code:  <a class="chlnk" style="cursor:hand" HREF onClick="'url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('URLHERE);">TEXTHERE</a>

Info: Don't forget to replace the URLHERE to your URL.

Dropdown List


Code:  <form><select name=select size="1" style="background-color:red; font size:8pt; font-family:arial;color:white" onchange="location.href=([].value)"> <option value=""></option> <option value="">Geocities</option> <option value="">Javascripts</option> </select></form>

Info: Just change the URL's, text, and colors and you're all set!
