Our Wedding Homepage
Bienvenue a tous
You can use this space to welcome your friends
and family and announce your upcoming
wedding. You can keep your site fresh by
updating this space regularly.
Paragraph title here (About our Site)
You might use this space to introduce
yourselves, comment briefly on the upcoming
nuptials, and tell your visitors how excited you are.

If you have specific details you'd like to share, try creating a bulleted list:
Met in January 2000.
Engaged August 2004.
Married in June 2006!
Paragraph title here (About our Site)
Now that you’ve welcomed your visitors, you might want to point them to different parts of your site.
Are you updating any information regularly? Do you have a guestbook? Can friends and family
RSVP online? Encourage your friends and family to explore your site for more information.

Our Wedding
Judith & Yann
3rd, 2006
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