Model it, texture it and then hit render... don't forget the light though.
3D package is hard to mastered, then again... nothing is easy in this world. You need a very powerful machine to tame it and a flexible appz that fit your needs and requirement. visit

Draw, draw and draw until you get perfect or .. you'll ended up hating it.
But seriously.. how can you hate it. Digitally or traditionally.. it is still the same old dicipline. It is the basis that lets you be in the know-how.
Still admiring that single stroke? May be Dave McKean did it, visit
I'm a sucker for 2D animation. I just can't get enough of that Samurai Jack series. Is that a good show or what?!
But this is not a full fledge feature. It is just a short flash movie I've made so far. visit

Always have a personal project, ...whatever your profession is. That's what I believe in. Think of it as a hobby rather than a serious things. Do it for YOU and not for someone else...
“When I was their age I could draw like Raphael,
but it took me a lifetime to learn to draw like them.”

- Pablo Picaso
(after viewing a collection of children’s drawing)
tested on Firefox 1.5 and Safari 2 in MacOS X platform
link of fave

A lists of resources on the net. Mostly will focus on CG and designs.
There's a lot of them out there... but I will list down the one that I vist most. One of my favourite site is CG Channel and 3D Total. This sites cover news from the ground up and have an abundance tutorials that cover to about everything. From 3D to digital painting and sometimes hand drawn artwork from all artists around the globe. A very inspiring site.
Keep that keyboard tight you hear!

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open source fave

Nowdays... Open Source project is like... everywhere and gaining a big momentum from developers alike since the day of Linux hit the world. They spawned the popular Gimp® and Sciribus®, OpenOffice, NeoJOffice and Abiword. Even the big guys feels threaten by them.
But some of them joins the galore by producing their own open source applications and freewares to the masses.
A list of OpenSource and Freeware that you owe it to yourself to try. Some even rival to that of so called profesional applications.

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