Disclaimer: If ya think I own Yugioh, I suggest seeing a psychiatrist.


Wow! I have nothing to say for once! Ok, I do have to say something. Just to clear things up, I've only been to the hospital when I was born, when I had this weird disease when I was, like, 2 days old, and twice when I had allergic reactions. So don't sue me if I get anything wrong about the hospital. Not only that, but this was actually written back in January (or February. Either way, it was a long time ago), so if I got anybody wrong, don't get mad at me.



Chapter 7

My Loving Family


          “She’s waking up,” I heard a male voice right in my face.

          I tensed my right arm, and punched the guy in the face without opening my eyes.

          “Oh my-GAHH! My face!”

          My eyes snapped open, “Ugh! Am I in the hospital?” I saw the doctor clutching a bloody nose, “Oh! I’m so sorry! I thought you were a rare hunger!” I glanced around the room, “Where is everybody?”

          “We couldn’t identify you,” the doctor held a tissue to his nose to stop the bleeding, “What’s your name?”

          I was still tense so I replied, “First, tell me how long I’ve been in here.”

          “Three days.”

          “Three days? Crap!” I thought angrily, “I wasted three days sitting, unconscious in a stupid hospital!”

          “My name’s Hemsut Elizabeth L- I mean, Ishtar,” I was still getting used to my last name, “I’m Chinese American and was recently adopted by Isis Ishtar from Egypt. Can I have a phone book?”

          “Why?” the doctor was taken aback by everything I had said.

          “I need to find Seto Kaiba’s phone number and my mom’s too.”

          He handed me the phone book and a phone. It took awhile for me to find the numbers, but then again, I could only use one arm. First, I called home.

          “Ishtar,” a stern voice answered after one few ring.

          “Caro!” I was expecting Rishid to be on the phone, “What’re you doing at my house?”

          “Hi Liz! Where are you?! Hey everybody!” she called to everybody else, “Liz’s okay!”

          “I never said that I was okay!” I corrected her, “Actually, I’m in the hospital and I wanna go home!”

          “Never mind!” Caro yelled, “She’s not okay. She’s in the hospital and wants us to pick her up. Wait a sec, what d’ya mean you’re in the hospital!”

          “I’ll tell ya later.”

          “May Isis-sama talk to Hemsut-sama?” I heard Rishid ask Caro.

          “No! Mine!” Caro was being greedy again.

          “Caro,” I got her attention, “Give the phone to Rishid.”

          Once I was sure that Rishid had the phone, I yelled, “I’m not Hemsut-sama! No Sama! I’m not at a higher ranking family than you!” My voice softened as I added, “The real reason why you can’t call me sama is because we’re the same family now, and I’m younger. I should be calling you sama.”

          I was answered by silence. “Hey, Rishid, ya there?” I asked still in a soft voice, “I know your history. As a baby, the Ishtars adopted you, and when you were four, you learned about the ritual. When Marik was around ten, he asked you to take his place for the ritual. You were rejected by Marik’s father and to join the family, you willingly carved your own face because you couldn’t take away Marik’s pain, but at least you could share it.”

          “How do you know this?” the question was forced.

          I was getting tired of explaining, “Long story. For now, can I talk to my mom?”

          “Hemsut!” Isis choked, “Why are you in the hospital? What happened? Was it your blood on the steps?”

          “Um…” I tried to think of good answered, “It was my blood, and I’m in the hospital ’cause I have no skin on my left arm.”

          “Oh! What happened?”

          “Uh…” I hesitated. Even if Marik was behind it, I didn’t want him to face the wrath of the pole. “Mom, I was attacked by some rare hunters.”

          “MARIK!” Isis exploded, “What did you do to her!”

          “Hey Lizzie,” Marguerite picked the phone up from where Isis had dropped it, “Mind telling my what happened?”

          “Yes,” I answered, “I don’t think it was Marik’s fault though.”


          “YOU sent YOUR rare hunter after her, DIDN’T YOU?!” I could here Isis screaming.

          Before Marguerite could reach for the pole, I said, “Look, just get me home okay, then I’ll explain everything in detail. Or at least, what I dare to tell in detail.”




          “Give me my rod!”

          I sighed. Caro, Marguerite, and Isis had cornered Marik and were “torturing” him by stealing his millennium rod.

          “I wonder if we should possess Miho,” Caro grinned evilly to Isis and Marguerite.


          I shook my head as I headed for the phone. “We need the other guys to calm them down,” I thought as I dialed the Motos.




          “C’mon,” I dragged Yami and Bakura to the kitchen. Of course, they were glaring daggers at each other.

          Marguerite took one look at Yami and immediately handed the rod to Isis. “Yami!” she squealed, “Why are you here?”

          “I called him and Bakura over to calm you guys,” I rubbed my bandaged arm as I continued with and innocent/evil grin, “You guys are going on a double date. I’m tired of Marguerite and Yami coming on so slowly.”

          “I’m not going on a double date with the bastard pharaoh,” Bakura made his point clear.

          I glared at him as Marguerite twitched at the “bastard pharaoh” phrase. “Well, too bad, ’cause I already got everything ready,” I paused for a little while, “Thanks to Seto.”

          We left the house laughing at Yami and Bakura yelling at each other. Caro and Marguerite weren’t letting me stay around Marik, so I had to go with them on their double date. To tell ya the truth, being a third wheel isn’t fun. (’Course, I’ve never been one, but I’m just guessing.)

          I reached into my pocket and felt the cold gold and smiled. “Tonight is gonna be fun,” I thought.



Paragraph from next chappie:


I looked up at those cold, purple eyes, trying to hid my fear. "I can't really answer that, 'cause I'm puzzled too," i replied, rubbing my arm again, "It's very likely both ways. Technically, you didn't break your promise even if you did send them, 'cuase you never said that your rare hunters couldn't hurt me. Did you?"