Ch.2 The Boat Cruise(just a minor rememberer)

The girl:And we meet again…Kiki.


KG:That’s my real name Marik…but don’t YOU go on calling me that.

Marik:Do you know each other?


Marik:Then who the heck is she??


Marik:And why are they laughing?

KG: ‘Cause they’re demons…

Marik:Demons??What the heck are you talking about?

KG:I’ll explain later.For now I just gotta transform…



Ch.3 The Rainbow Card Guardians

KG:Marik…just go with the flow and watch things as they work out..

Then Yugi and the others came in.

KG:*holds up a staff thing**closes eyes*Power of the cards guide me through to you..

Joey:What the heck is goin on??

Just then KG transformed into a black skirt and had a tiara with a rainbow colored gem thingy.

Kyana:About time..Alright then.I call out*lifts up a card*the Dark Guardian!!

A girl figure with black all over her appeared between the space they had made between them.

KG:Just like you.Everything dark…

Kyana*snaps:*Shut up and play!

KG:Fine.*puts a card on a slit on her staff thingy and holds the staff up*I call out the Cat Guardian!!

A half cat half human thing appeared on the space.

Te’a:What’s going on?

KG:Ill do my best to explain.Maybe more later though.Ill tell you alittle.This is kinda like duel monsters but…no magic cards and all of them are girls transformed into a certain thing.They’re called Rainbow Cards.Now..back to the game…*chants**eyes close*Cat Guardian bring your strength together..

Yugi:Hmm…this game is getting alittle weird for an ordanary game..Ive never heard of it..

KG:Select attack…and attack the Dark Guardian!!

Cat Guardian:Selected cat slash.*slashes the Dark Guardian into two pieces and it retreats back into the card*

Kyana:Grr…*holds up another card*Ocean Guardian!!

KG:Yugi, that’s because it’s NOT a’s real.

Joey:And you’re actually expecting us to believe that??!
KG:If you don’t believe me how about you touch my cat guardian!!Besides it’s her turn and Im in trouble.

KG:Cats hate water..and the ocean guardian is full of those attacks..

Kyana:*chants*eyes close*Ocean Guardian bring your strength together..

Tristen:Hey that girl is doing what Koumori Girl did.

KG:That is how you make a monster attack..

Kyana:Select attack..and attack the Cat Guardian!!

Ocean Guardian:Selected tidle wave.*washes cat guardian down*

KG:*summons it back into the card*Oh great..wait..I’ve got an idea!*puts a different card onto staff thing*I call out the moon guardian!!

Another girl figure stood with moon shapes on her shirt and pants.

Kyana:Uh oh…

KG:*chants**eyes close*Moon Guardian bring your strength together..

Te’a:It looks like this so called game could go on forever..*looks around*Hey!These other people are frozen!!

Tristen:*looks around as well*Hey you’re right!

Spirit and Yugi talk.



/It doesn’t look like the shadow realm…/

//That’s because it isnt…I sense a whole lot more power from that girl then you can imagine…Be careful around her from now on.//


KG:Select attack…and attack the Ocean guardian!

Moon Guardian:Selected moon beam*shoots ocean guardian back into it’s card*

Kyana:Ill be back!*disappears with the guy*

KG:*summons back MG and transforms into normal clothing*

Then the people werent frozen anymore and it was as if nothing had ever happened..but Yugi and the other knew something went on..

Then they went to KG’s room to talk about it.

KG:Ok.You guys might want to know what’s going on so-

Joey:What was up with all that stuff back there?I mean you were chantin’ and everything!

KG:*sighs*Ok then.Ever since I remember Ive had this*holds up staff*and it’s called the rainbow staff.The cards that we were playing with are called rainbow cards.

Marik:What’s up with the demon stuff?

KG:Well they’re from a place called the demon world and they have powers and everything.

Yugi:So…what is up with the game?I mean HOW do you play it?

KG:*sighs*For the last time Yugi it’s not a game.I could summon a monster and you could touch it.The game is simple.You use magic to transform the cards into real forms but only two each game.Any other questions?


KG:Ok then.*looks at clock to see that it’s 9:54pm*We better get to bed.

So then they all go back to their rooms and go to sleep.They didn’t know that someone was out there watching them…


okay ill try to get storys longer from now on.well here you go:

Description of Ch.4 "Discovering The Unmanageable About Yourself":KG and friends find out alittle more about the powers in her and they meet one of her friends.They seem to have a clash between rommance and action/adventure.


1.Who is watching them?

2.What's the "demon world"?

3.What exciting things are instore for them?

Find out in Ch.4 Discovering The Unimanageable About Yourself.Bye!