This is the News/Update page. The front page was getting kinda messy, no? Anyways all the updates and news concerning YGO or anything else is here. If you have news like its your birthday or something post it in my guestbook and I will post it here and send you a chibi of your fav YGO character. So anyways on to Seto! The nam of the hour! Tee hee.

Seto:(in a loud voice) NEW FEATURES!! Thats right folks. She now has a Bakura gallery up and she will add a Yu-Gi gallery as soon as she can get some more pics...Then another few additions have been added to the Character Bios section. Tiana, Tiana Leeson, and of course the ever cute and popular me! Seto Kaiba! And now the newly added Shout Outs. She has friends? Wow. Could've fooled me. She has also put up the Joey bio and gallery. Desert Flower has chapter 3 up so read. Man this job bites no pay..*grumble grumble*

Yami: Get over yourself Kaiba. I saved your soul remember?

Seto: *grumble grumble* I know I know.....grrrrr

Yami: -_-U

Seto:Why must I be tortured so?

BA: Hey Seto..........You know what time it is.....

Seto: Sleepy time?

BA: Nope

Seto: Oh right then....

BA: ^_^

Seto: UPDATES!!!!
Okay so she updated again. Well theres this page and the newly added Quiz Results page. Enjoy.


Seto: WHat?


Seto: touchy touchy. Okay then before she kills me...The QUIZE Results is up.

Yami: Ha ha Seto got yelled at !!!!!^^

Seto: Update on the fanfic page! Thats right. Now you can click the number and it will take you to the new chapter. Conveniet no? Well thats all for now so staytuned for a few more additions. I do hope she runs out of space.

BA: *glomps Seto* You are such a babe! So you hope I run out of space? Well I have about 12.5 MB left I think but you can get me more riiiiight? *puppy eyes*

Seto: Nope. Sorry. And your puppy eyes are sad.

BA: Grrrrrrrrrrr I'll get you sometime.

Seto: Go ahead and try.

Yami: Aw look Seto and BA are having a lovers fued.


o.O). Me like Seto? HA! -_-U

To the toaster kingdom! (home)