Twenty - Five Years of British Membership of EU: Twenty-Five Years Of Failure..

"Those of us who have campaigned for years to alert the British people to the damage our country suffers from EU membership have to face a paradox; we have won all the arguments, but British public opinion nevertheless seems reconciled to the inevitability of continuing membership ....looking back at the warnings offered in the late 1960's and early 1970's by anti-EEC opinion, what is striking about them is their moderation..the longer we stay in the EEC, the more difficult it becomes for us to achieve that national success which alone will restore our confidence in ourselves"

ex-Labour Party MP Bryan Gould in 'Bound to Fail' published 1989 by the Anti-Common Market League.

"We must both ask and answer the question - how it is possible that our politicians have accepted a constitution for Europe that is so totally contrary to the traditions of democracy.. first came the Common Market [EEC]. We were told that its purpose was to form a large free trade area. Then we moved on to a scrapping of nations and we, also, were promised that we would retain essential national soveriegnty.. the proposal of irreversibilty was also introduced, preventing any nation from leaving the EU. And now the trap is being closed. We are being led blindfold into a federal super we see this tragic accident unfolding before our eyes, we are unable to be passive, we have no option other than to fight."

Sir James Goldsmith

"On joining the Common Market and in the 1975 referendum, we were repeatedly promised there would be 'jobs for the boys'. From 1974 to 1996, the unemployment rate rose by four times. Since joining the EEC we have seen the loss of shipbuilding, steel and coal industries and we now import more manufactured goods than we export. All this has contributed to long term mass unemployment and little hope for young people.. there are now one in three children on the breadline, and one in five homes without a breadwinner"

From the 'Democrat', newspaper of Campaign against euro-federalism.

"In 1971 Prime Minister Edward Heath told us that the EEC was not a federation of provinces and there was 'no question of any erosion of essential national soverignty'. Two decades later, the primacy of EU law over those passed by our own democratically elected parliament humiliates ministers who would like to stop animal exports, but are powerless to act without the permission of all EU governments. The Single European Act of 1986 removed the UK's veto in a large number of areas where national interests are subjugated to EU law. Maastricht envisiged the replacing of monetary policies designed to meet national objectives by EU, whose policy would be set by unelected Europesn Central Bank...we have been misled and the economic consequences of membership are far from the rosy picture painted by EU apologists.."

from the book 'There is an Alternative' by Burkitt, Bainbridge and Whyman published by Campaign for an Independent Britain