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Group links:

American Society of Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama----ASGPP

Resources about Group Therapy----------------- Group Therapy

Expressive Therapy Links--------------------Psychodrama Links

Links and Resources-------------------------------Nyu.Edu

Psychodrama with European Flair --------------AntonioRomaTorres


Moreno, J.L. (1978). Who Shall Survive? (3rd ed.) N.Y.: Beacon.
Blatner, A., & Blatner, A. (1988). Foundations of Psychodrama:History, Theory & Practice. (3rd ed.) New York: Springer Publishing.
Blatner, A. (1996). Acting-In: Practical Applications of Psychodramatic Methods. (3rd ed.) New York: Springer Publishing.
Holmes, P. et al. (1995). Psychodrama Since Moreno. New York, London: Routledge.
Leveton, E. (1992). A Clinician's Guide to Psychodrama. (2nd ed.) N.Y: Springer Publishing.

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