About Matsushita Youko

Notice: What I have here are bits and pieces I heard,
and I am always on the lookout for more information about this mangaka who created the world of Yami no Matsuei.

From Tetrisnomiko's HP, I learned basic information about Matsushita-sensei. There is much more info available.

Birthday: June 23
Birthplace: Kumamoto Prefecture in Kyushu
Blood type: AB
Hobby: Video Games

From Joy's posts in the YnM ML.

Matsushita-sensei is very particular about how fans should write their letters to her.
She also loves dogs. That's why Tsuzuki has a sd puppy form.

From various members of the Baiserdoku Club

Matsushita Youko is a very nice person.
She has a special interest in backgrounds. That's why her drawings have such detailed backgrounds.

Her Manga

Yami no Matsuei (on-going)
Fairy Tale - short story which is included in YnM volume 1
Gosuto - short story included in YnM Character Book
??? - short story included in YnM Sketch Book

Her Site

The Hierophant Green

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