~*Welcome to Shalini's Home Page*~


Who Am I?

My name is Shalini Chandra. I currently work for the Sacramento District Dental Society as the Website and Publications Coordinator. I have been using computers since I was about 10 and have pretty much been a computer geek ever since. I know some self-taught HTML, but mainly use Dreamweaver to create my sites. I was born in the Fiji Islands, but came to the USA when I was four months old.

What Do I Do?

At SDDS (The Dental Society), I build, manage, and update the website, and also create the newsletter, and all publications for the Society. Previously I worked for Prima Publishing in the Video Games department, and before that I worked at Hewlett Packard.

What are my plans?

I PLAN to get my degree in Web Design, and hopefully either get a HUGE raise at my current job to keep up with the median salary for this position, or look elsewhere to spread my creativity. Eventually I would love to either be an Art Director for a website team, or advertising company.

What are my hobbies?

THE INTERNET! I am a TOTAL geek. When I'm not at work slaving away on the computer, or at school slaving away on the computer, I am at home playing around on the computer. But, I do get out sometimes too. When I do it usually involves dancing, movies, dinner, or my volunteer work with the SPCA.

Created by: Shalini Chandra