Step Eight: Wrapping It Up
Now that the orange juice is finished, all that needs to be done is making the orange juice look presentable.  If you were able to easily get the lid off in step four, then all you have to do is push the lid back on, or fasten it, whatever necessary.
Make sure that the lid is on well and tight, so that it does not fall off when pouring the orange juice (which will come later).  Using a rubber mallet is just one of many ways to do this.  Striking the mallet down on the lid in a firm, downward motion several times should be enough to position the lid properly.
However, if you were unlucky enough in having to saw the lid off in step four, it is still possible to securely fasten the lid to the jug.
Using a roll of duct tape, tear off a strip of tape with a length equal to the circumference of the jug (long enough to go around the jug).
I used the above left Tough Stuff (TM) brand tape for two reasons:
(1) It was the only duct tape I found laying around, and:
(2) The name of it was "Tough Stuff".  I mean, come on, how can you be a guy and not take that as an omen?
Wrap the duct tape around the jug as shown above, adhering half of the width to the lid, and the other half to the jug.  Do NOT cover up the part of the jug where the orange juice will come out, as this is VERY CRUCIAL when you go on to pour the orange juice into a glass.
Good to go?  Then
Finish Up With STEP NINE
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