When people talk about America, u get the impression that it's the greatest country in the world. People couldn't be happier to live in America. Surely enough, this is the so called land of the free. We have a lot more freedom than most countries. But u can't always believe what u hear. If u were to go to a different country, would u really hear the same story? Can u walk down the streets of France and hear them say nothing but pure, factual comments? The answer is no. The only people who believe America is GREAT are the brainwashed people who live in it. Brainwashed to believe in something that isn't what it claims to be. All this country cares about is money. Does America really care what happens to all the innocent people they kill? NO! they could care less. Why? because they're heartless bastards who would kill to get whatever it is they want. Everybody sees the Military as brave people who are doing something for our country. that's bullshit! they're  murderers who enjoy killing, it's not a job. All these tactics are weapons, they're not used to be reasonable. The only word that can explain America is greed. Everything is state-run and it's all based on greed. America has to have everything. From Bombs to oil they have to have everything. We're the richest country and because of that, we believe that we are the greater power. All countries act this way, but America tries to hide its actions by stating that they're doing it for the benefit of the people. Good for who? I'm sure the people u kill can see a whole different perspective because of this country. whatever did happen to all the innocent people in puerto rico who are killed daily by U.S. bombs? A lot of people don't know about that and why do u think? This country hides it's actions and don't bother mentioning these things on the news. America is the one to blame for many things, but when the finger gets pointed at us, we point one right back. America protects their actions, but make others actions sound wrong. German Concentration Camps = Japanese Isolation Camps? what's the difference in that?