
Separate role (5)
Arrest Mark for clocking (9)
10 Beware, service is hollow (6)
11 Used to write on battle at sea (6)
12 Wager Pole's off with the bongos! (9)
13 Express way junction involved in A&E (5)
15 Herbs many admirers (7)
17 Hiding in calypso journeyman's temporary residence (7)
18 Constant check (7)
19 Three order split up (7)
21 Capital store! (or so it's said) (5)
22 What Railway Andorra call itself? (5-4)
25 Spike rascals' drink (6)
26 South coast town Grand Hotel evicted him (6)
27 Homeless yet outstanding (9)
28 Nympho took a revealing picture (5)


Invest in American dweller's detective (15)
Pass through on the day before (5)
Call what it is (6)
Ruth's shame (4)
Reach ten and you and I will be enterprising (9)
A luxury being pleasure (8,7)
Not out, right? Wrong! (9)
14 Handles Bond's rook by mistake (9)
16 Peter's under guarantee, promise (9)
20 Neighbour's shin kicked roughly with this (6)
23 Said no in a horsy fashion? (5)
24 Rap band (4)


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