
Go nuttily about swearing innocence (3,6)
Prevent commerce and therefore admit master and graduate (7)
Jaws appears when sailor escapes from toads (7)
10 Large quantity of US flack is dealt with (7)
13 Entrance with gin before making a surprise exit (4,4)
14 Is politician in with rascals? (4)
16 Prior arrangement for Sappers in fondling case (10)
20 They show cards concerning swear words (4)
22 Capital beans here (4)
24 Clubs when stars are seen taking drugs in smalls! (10)
28 Is against worker I follow (4)
29 Be there beforehand and see sexier movement in gym (8)
31 Revolutionary copier born to degrade (7)
34 Indignation when no longer in fashion? (7)
35 False hope - nothing comes from ashes (7)
36 See 6 Down


Forever French? No - desist! (7)
Heard drunk order a measure of solution (7)
Turnover acceptable - write to director (5)
Be at a disadvantage when old quarter has yobbo about (4,3)
Square off barm for affirmations (4)
6/36 Bat creakily to obscure return to normal (4,2,7)
Hats for cricketers (7)
11 Get off the flaming bus! (6)
12 It's short, blow it! (4)
15 Support professional copper (4)
17 Antiheroes eat eggs (3)
18 Gun with a small barrel (4)
19 Explosive sound this sundown (6)
21 Qualify in a fast car at last (3)
22 Figure is irreverent about church Pastor (7)
23 Ezra's sort of level (4)
25 Pearl's shelter? (7)
26 I'm a Giro that can be turned into something arty (7)
27 The state is full and cannot take any more (7)
30 Applied artex for additional cost (5)
32 Lie about where you spent the night? (4)
33 Close book about former lover (4)


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