by Peter Shram


Holiday scheme - shame about boring jacket (4-7)
Sweeny Todd's trade? (9)
10 Place last onion in the bowl (5)
11 Greek character enters community church for the ineffectual man (6)
13 Arrest and charge for cutting off the supply (8)
14 United Nations secure a way to relieve tension (6)
16 Cheat has key and takes grip in game (8)
19 Avoids ring roads (8)
20 Eats here then strangely robs it! (6)
22 Defenders flag when ball turns (8)
24 Game but wrong to come back after score is halved (6)
27 Information to go in for advance (3,2)
28 Hot-headed Alice ribs model (9)
30 A three pointed hat is effective but unavoidable (11)


Check the French water, says Panorama (7)
Ring in before midday, pillock! (5)
Dads get confused in the spring (3)
Team enters as a united force (4)
I am ripe but not for plucking (8)
Get the picture of King George meeting Cleo's killer (5)
The Spanish return to dwell on Bond (7)
Tuna roe a problem, says flyer (8)
12 Big businesses founded by a dead man? (5)
15 Might Havana? (8)
17 Poke fun at in live, corrupt show (5)
18 Drug doctor in the orient (8)
19 Will suit bubba by growing into it (7)
21 Ex-pupil setting disgusting example (7)
23 A Scotsman's climbing a mountain (5)
25 McNab objected but revealed he was a rich man (5)
26 Thanks student over Charlie powder (4)
29 Top dentistry (3)


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