More Pics in The Sketchbook, And i will try to update THAT ALOT MORE...

More questions in the form...

A new Page Setup for the second index.

New Pics. The old ones will be gone, Go go steal the Floating head Pic while you can.

Maybe a whole section for Video Games, Containing Video Games from the Loser point of view [Not the regular EGM/Gamepro BULLSHIT], Some commentary about the Gaming World, and other stuff.

What to NOT look forward to...

The "About Me" and "Why am i doing this" Pages will not be updated. The'll stay the same unless i find out anything new to say.

New Frontpage Pic, I just got a new one recently.

New Ping Pong Ball Eye Pics......I...UM......lost them, So i gotta go to sears to get some more.

Now remember..... NOTHING IS SET IN STONE! Aight? You might even find more stuff than this....
Now i know i Haven't been updating the page alot, And i apologise, But soon you arrice at my page and find TONS of new shit. Here's a small list.....Keep checking back, I expect to have most of this done in less than a day to two weeks...