The Loser Times

Issue quote: "Evil pants and the chicks who dig them, on the next Haraldo!"

          Howdy ho all you losery bastards, nice to see ya! It's fun writing cuss words isn't it? Say! what the F#ck is that, oh sh%t it's my f$cking.... oooh fuck I just lost my train of thought.............well shit!
* wait a sec.........
* Now Loading
* activating ROM drive.......
           Okey I just thought of something!(big accomplishment eh)
           Yes that's it ha! Yes I'll talk about.......SHOES! Ha ha ha ha yes I'll talk about shoes I'm such a genius! Aha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa!! Wait a minute shoes suck this is  a sucky idea who thought of talking about shoes anyway! (you! you dumbass!) Oh shit...........(lost my track of thought again) ........ Hey man don't blame me, this is fucking hard. I have to sit down for a full twenty minutes to come up with a funny story for you guys, and its not like I don't have other things I could be doing right now!(yes it is)It's just so hard to think of crap to right about ya'know? it's like when a teacher gives you an assignment where you have to come up with your own idea and there's no specific answer, like when they ask you to create a story based on a story you read in class. And you're graded on the quality of the idea you have. I kind of feel that way right now too(sniff)Hey wait a minute that's what I was supposed to talk to you guys about today, Writer's Block, yeah that's it! Thank you Lassie!(Bark Bark!)Good dog now go find timmy, and while you're at it jump in the well with him.
           Anyway that's the trouble with speaking your mind. You can't find the words, and if you do they come out all messed up and your meaning gets lost in the middle somewhere. That's why men talk in ...s.i..m...p...l...e... s..e..n..t..e..n..c..e...s like "wassupp!" or "How's it going"
or my favorite "Howdy!" Occasionally we mix it up a little "How's it hanging" "what's shaking"(heh heh heh!) But any conversation after that is difficult and bothersome. Well I have to go do something right now so I'll make this one a two parter. See Ya!

Stay constipated for the next loser times issue:
Writer's block Part II