The Loser Times

Quote of the isssue"Why are we so losery?"

Hey there sports fans guesss what time it is??????? It's football season!!!!!
Yeah it's time to sit back with all your imaginary friends and watch popular, overpaid atheletes beat the fuck out of each other! Oh and don't forget those million dollar commercials that they play during the super bowl! Woo-yeah! there's nothing better than watching other people do strenuous work while you sit on your ass eating Cheese-Its. Speacking of atheletes beating the fuck out of each other I recently saw a boxing match between Mike Tyson and some other wussy ass motherfuck. Anyway when IronMike got in that ring he went ballistic!!! He went strait at this dumbass and knocked him right on his bum. The reff helped him get back up only to be punched through a loop again!! And when the reff tried to stop the fight Mike gave him a good noggin buster too! It was insaine! He hit the fuckin reff! That guy has some balls!
Man i wouldn't want to be trapped in the ring with mike! If I were that guy I would have brought a gun to the ring! (and it probably wouldn't have helped him anyway!)
Alright that's it for today cause i'm lazy and i don't want to spend all day at the computer!!!!

Next Issue "DBZ :the firestorm of japanese anime(woo-hoo)"