The loser times

Howdy ho good neighbor let's see what's new out there in the world of the loser!!!!

Movie News
           I'm sure all of you have heard the big news long before this article came out but i'm gonna tell you anyway!  The theatrical relase of "The X-Men"
             Long have we awaited this movie's coming. So when it was released on friday I jumped at the oportunity to see this masterpiece.( what you thought I was going to talk about the movie.....well i will but after my story) it was the perfect time to go see it. So when one of my buddies called I took the opportunity to invite my bud Cody and Ol Matt Cates(you know him don't you?)This, being a great opportunity for my social reject friend, Cody donned his best boweling T-shirt and shorts and told me to pick him up at 5:45. We were supposed to meet Andrew and his friends at the mall at 6:00. Matt lived far from my house so I picked him up early. It always seems I have to pick everybody up! So me and my Dad swung by Cody's house and I gave him back his golf club I had borrowed a week ago and the newsletters for the past month.  I also brought by some of my best anime movies his brother had asked to borrow. We spent ten minutes just finding Matt's house. When we did he and Cody struck up a conversation about what we would do if we bought our own town. Matt had the weird Idea of selling it to the japanese. I would raise the taxes, wait till everybody left, and then build the world's largest theme park. We got to the malll about 6:00 and found andrew and his friends buying candy they intended to sneek into the movie.  Lukily I wore my cargo shorts so I could easily fit a bag or two. we walked down the mall and found Tiken sellin cookies so we talked to him for awhile. at 6:16 we walked over to the showcase six. And got in.
          After the movie we went to ShopCo to sniff the towels. The fact that we had a girl with us was a big achievement for Cody even though Andrew had to invite her. Holly Rieter was there too so if you find her on the net give her a big Wassss uuuuuupppppp for me Eh! There's this one part in the movie where Wolverine flips off Cyclops. If you go see the movie give the theater a good loud hearty laugh for me will ya!

If it sucks- If it rules
Movie ratings
Story *****                 The opening scene was intense
Actors****           They were good escpecially captain Picard
Length**              I wanted more
Special effects****     nicey nice!
Villany**             they just were'nt that evil
Heroism*****     duh they're the X-Men!

       That's all for the movie review, and with all reviews in the loser times the opinoin is mine and mine alone, I like to think i'm right, but a movie must be seen to be judged so don't let any pumpus ass "Siskel and Ebert" wanna be tell you what to do! So go see the movie and you judge " If it sucks- If it rules"