I love rain. Don't know why. Just simply love it. I'm happy when it's rains. I could still remember I got those terrible migain, I'm feeling down and sickly and restless while staying in the house, i walked out and talked to my neighbour's dog-all time favourite listener. Telling her how pathetic I am. Then I smell something. It's raining!! I smiled. Spirit lifted up. I can felt as if i'm alive again, full of energy. "Hooray! It's raining. Apple, its raining!!"
Well, i bet that dog must had wondering what wrong with this girl, one minutes she gave me a sad face, the next minute she's smiling and jumping around with joy? Weird.
One of the most comforting sounds in the world is that of gentle falling rain against a windowpane. When you the gentle pitter-pitter of raindrops, suddenly life slows down of its volition-just as standing under a waterfall can calm and almost magically wash away your cares and tensions.