When you think of life, the next corresponding word would be death. As we always say life and death is a natural cycle that each and every living thing on Earth would have to go through. The word DEATH seems to sybmolised sorrow, unhappiness. I used to think death is a profound word. But, today, i understand and i know. Death may be seem as saddness. It also have its postitive side. This incident changed my conception.

My grandfather who i had loved and respected him, passed away. He had a fall one day, got warded to a hospital, old people sickness started to resurfaced  and the story began.There he was lying on his deathbed, i was crying when i saw him. To me he seems to be suffering. He must had known he would go soon but somehow the illness seems to be dragging on. There is still something holding him back. His greatest worry.The only bachelor in our GOH family. His youngest son, my uncle. He instructed my father to assist him financially and to supervise the wedding plan. Then after one last struggled against survival, he gave in peacefully. On that night, i wasn't crying. Not a tear shedded. I was happy for him. God had took him away from us. Took him away from his suffering and bringing him back to his kingdom. At that very moment i offered prayers and gave him thanks. I prayed that my grandfather, His son; James would reach the kingdom of God. Everyone was sad. The amostphere around is dull. But after a few weeks, everything gradually turns back to normal. Adults resumes back to work, the kids went to school. Life goes on. But deep in everyones' heart, we still remembered and missed grandpa. BACK