Approaching the Normal Curve
(Historically & Visually)


Blaise Pascal
1   1
1   2   1
1   3   3   1
1   4   6   4   1
1   5   10  10   5   1
1   6  15  20  15  6   1
(Each interior entry is the sum of the two above.)
Pascal's triangle, published 1653, was known centuries earlier.

One of its many uses is for the coefficients in binomial power expansions.  For example,

[See another application of Pascal's triangle here.]

Jacques Bernoulli
Toss  n = 4  coins

x = Number of heads
Bernoulli found Pascal's triangle useful for probability distributions of binomial trials (i.e. where there is a fixed number of identical and independent repeated trials, each trial having two possible outcomes).  For example, the distribution to the left corresponds to the row:

{1, 4, 6, 4, 1}

(His nephew discovered the principle of flight.)

Abraham DeMoivre
Frequency Curve

DeMoivre was the first to discover that as n (the number of trials) increases, Bernoulli's binomial distributions approach a unique continous distribution.  His work was largely unnoticed, so the curve was rediscovered independently by others including LaPlace (1749-1827), and...
Carl Gauss
The curve's equation:

  fixed numbers, p and e,
  parameters, m and s,
  and just one variable, x.

Gauss also rediscovered the curve.  He found so many uses for it, that it became known as the Gausian distribution function.  Today it's called the normal bell-shaped curve.

Gauss' least squares method resulted in a refined equation.  But the ultimate refinement uses s, for standard deviation, which was coined by Pearson (1857-1936).


The highlight of this page is a brief movie, each frame of which is a binomial distribution.  The first frame has the number of trials (e.g. coin tosses) set at n=1, the second has n=2, the kth has n=k.  Thus, successive frames picture successive rows in Pascal's triangle.

By flipping through the frames, an animation is created.  So you can see the binomial distributions approaching the normal curve.  The convergence however, may not go the way you would expect!

See the movie

Requires QuickTime plug-in or player, available free from:


The University of St. Andrews in Scottland has a great biographies site.  Click any of the pictures above to see the respective mathematician's biography page, or go to their index.

Bernoulli trials are explained here, and a binomial distribution graphing utility is here.

An interesting connection has been discovered between Pascal's triangle and the classic fractal called Sierpinski's gasket, which can be seen here, and a nice applet is here.

Binomial distributions are not the only approach to the normal bell curve.  Indeed, the Central Limit Theorem tells us that the sum (or mean) of n observations from any distribution will approach a normal distribution as n increases.  This is illustrated by a very captivating applet called Ball Drop at the Java Boutique.

A most interesting connection can be made between the concept of the movie (namely that after n has been increased a countable infinity of times, we arrive at a curve made up of an uncountable infinity of points) on one hand, and Cantor's Theorem on the other.  Sorry, no link for this (yet).

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Movie created: Fall, 1996
1st Published: July 8, 2001
Revised: June 6, 2003
Moved to Yahoo-GeoCities December 29, 2005