Torture: Water Torture

The victim is bound, with their legs angeld toward the floor. Once in this state, a large amount of water is forced upon them. If
they do not want to drink, they will be forced to do so. A funnel will be placed into their mouth, and the nose covered, so they will
have no choice but to drink all the liquid before being able to breathe again. After this is repeated enough times to fill the
stomach to a state of maximum distension, the angle at which the victim is placed will be changed. As the body is tilted and the
head points towards the floor, the full weight of the stomach and its contents will begin to press on their lungs and heart. Not
only the incredible pain, but the feeling of suffocation that comes with it will surely make the victim confess. If this still does not
work, the people will beat on the victim’s bloated stomach with a mallet almost to the point of rupture. This way, no permanent
marks will ever show, and the body will be in good condition when they are executed.

A memorandum dated in 1697:
"The accused will be bound at the wrists with ropes and attached to two iron rings encased in the wall . These should have a
distance of 6 inches from each other and should be 3 feet above the level of the ground . Two other iron rings fixed on the floor at
a minimum distance of 12 feet from the wall should be available. Through these rings the ropes which retain the prisoner's feet
will be drawn . The ropes should be fastened by humane strength one after the other so that the prisoner is bound in the most
severe manner possible . He is then admonished again to tell the truth . To sustain the prisoner a bench 2 feet high may be
placed underneath the middle of his body . A large recipient should be placed underneath the delinquent to receive the liquids he
eliminates ..."
The victim was forced to swallow 4 liters of water if it was an "ordinary questioning" or 8 to 9 liters if he weas feeling really

The victim was tied to a table or the floor, and their head was strapped in place so that they couldnt move anything. water was
then dripped onto his forehead, one drop at a time. It drove the person insane, and after a period of time the victim would
confess. This was favored in circumstances where torture was necessary because no evidence of physical damage could show.

A rag is stuffed into the mouth of the victim and water is dripped on it until it swells up and suffocates him.

Used in U.S. prisons in the nineteenth century. Water was poured on top of the prisoner's head and a large bucket of water was
also placed under their chin to simulate the feeling of drowning.