Torture: Impaling

One of the most popular forms of mass execution, for many can be performed and displayed in a small area due to its vertical
nature. It will consist of a long spike, either wood or iron, being inserted into the victim’s anus. It will then either be forced in
furth by method of rope and pulley, or by having the spike tilted to an upright state. In this instance, their body’s own weight will
cause further impalement, until at last the spike’s tip exits the body. Commonly shown are pictures where the pole will exit
through the victim’s mouth, but due to the precision of such a thing, this is not always the case. The victim usually expects for
the exit to be around the shoulder, as it is most common. Depending on the entry angle, and the movement of the body after the
spike is erected, it is not unlikely that it will exit through the abdomen. Because of the resulting muscle contractions, the tip will
enter the body again through the chest, piercing the heart or lungs