In The Very Beginning...
Click on"All about " to find out about skettle gunk and more....
Bob Marley's toe fungus...vomit buss's of terror and more...
date: 11/01/04
place: PERTH AUSTRALIA ( for a change of scenery!!)
Yep..I know I knoww...t'has been AGES since I updated...but I'm back...!!! :D
My friends are NO reflection on me....really... they're  a reflection OFF me!! :)
Misused new trendo word that I refuse to use :'arb'
this sight out   .
Read about what music I listen to.
Check out my topsites list and other links to sista and great help sites!
Heppe nu Year!!!
(sometiume in the new year)
Been chillin with Noggin. She gots herslef a vegetarian eats grapes. Mooohaha. Mooohahahhahhahhhaaaaa
View the POPULAR Polls of old...INCL. the HOT FREAK!!!!
Hello SOsages...
How be y'all.
I'm alright, even though I have a piggy eye. 'Tis m'kay though, Cheweymanheadguy say's he loves me regardless. (Group:Awwwwwwwww)
Some old 'In the Beggining' entries worth reading...
Please let me know you've been by by leaving your mark :)
Heard a rumour it was the 19th already!! Dude...
Last night my builder was being all funny..and not publishing and stuff..hmmmrhmm..potatoes in the system if you ask me!
S.O.T.D =
dizwun (post script : check out the newspapers sections... tis wild!
Enjoyeee :)

Click here to go to my topsites list!
Funkee website of the day you HAVE to visit :
Poke the Doughboy...
Wopples Reaction to this site : "It is of great concern that you have recently become infatuated by the concerto's of flaggelation.On "poking" the fine portly dough boy he erucatated  and exploded into a foul smelling little bun.Silly Fellow!!
This is just Random Text...just floating..randomly...
Tina the Troubled Teen
YAY!! I finally managed to get my new banner up!! What do u fink? Feedback people, feedback! Handmade.. I'll have u know. It's 4 my top sites list. Wickedawesome eh?
Lookit What I got!! :)