Title: "Up North"
Author: Tessa
E-MAIL: plaidmidget@yahoo.com

Genre:Action Adventure.....borderline Romance...mystery
Teaser: A new mutant is thrown into the mix, making Logan question his actions, and giving Magneto an opritunity to inslave the Wolverine.


This is only part one of a 19 page work in progress. Though I will
not be taking sugestions for this story itself....
Chalanges and feedback are more than welcome...I will do my best.
Tessa, David, Zoe,Primal, Alikino and Wrath are my own crations
however I do not own the right's to any of the other characters or have any
offiliation with anyone who does.


Up North
Part 1

Tessa gripped her hand tightly around the handle of her knife, laying her fingers to rest just below the hilt. Her heart was racing in her chest and her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts of self preservation. Silently she crept along the hard wood floors of the Xavior School.

"This is too dangerous Tessa, what if we get caught?" Zoe's voice was laced with fear. "Could you please shut up? "Tessa glared at Zoe; her constant whimpering was beginning to wear Tessa's nerves raw."But what if someone...", she trailed off as Tessa took the knife and traced a line around Zoe's lips. "Keep it shut or I'll shut or I'll shut it for you." Tessa half warned half teased. Zoe flashed a sheepish smile as Tessa lowered the knife. Turning on her heel Tessa set off down the hallway with Zoe close behind.

Tessa paused at the end of the corridor in front of an extravagantly decorated study. "Zoe." She called under her breath, " I think we just hit the jackpot." Tessa flexed her fingers within her tight leather gloves. Zoe nodded fearful of what Tessa might do if she spoke again. Standing guard at the door Zoe watched as Tessa began to look around scanning the place for anything that might fetch a price on the streets.

Ever sense Tessa's mother had died it had been Tessa's job to provide for the family; at least according to David. Having David as a foster father was the worst thing that ever happened to Tessa next to losing her mother. David was mean spirited and cold, he didn't care about anyone or anything, the only reason Tessa stayed with him was because she didn't have anywhere else to go. Not that many people wanted to adopt someone like her; so David was as good as it got.

A few years ago Tessa met Zoe and they had become fast friends. Zoe was alone like Tessa and David agreed to take her in on the condition, that Tessa would provide for them both. Tessa and Zoe did odd jobs together at first to get the money but soon that was not enough and Tessa had to resort to steeling to get what David wanted. "One more job." David had always said but somehow one more always turned into five.

Tessa hated living like this but there was nothing she could do. Zoe was only sixteen and Tessa knew she couldn't make it on her own. Tessa could easily have left David to do his own dirty work and taken her chances on the street but she couldn't leave Zoe behind; and there was no way Tessa could care for them both.

Within the last few weeks David had gotten worse, demanding and violent, though Tessa took the brunt of the outbursts she knew she couldn't keep living like that. Zoe and Tessa had made a pact, as soon as they had enough money they would get out, go up north and start over. They just needed one good hit and the Xavior School was it. A guy that could afford to fund his own school definitely had some cash to spare. Tessa hadn't told Zoe but if this job went well they would leave tonight, they could leave everything behind and never have to look back, never have to be scared or worried again, they could just be normal kids.

" Keep watch." Tessa ordered Zoe as she continued searching through the desk drawers and bookshelves. She placed her knife down with a clank on the slick surface of the oak desk and attempted to pry open one of the reluctant file cabinets.

"Zoe, hand me the flashlight a second would you?" Tessa held her hand out waiting for the light. " Zoe, flashlight now." She snapped becoming highly pissed off. Zoe was a good kid but sometimes she just didn't listen. She knew how important this job was and Tessa couldn't believe she wasn't even paying attention. "Zoe I swear..." Tessa's blood turned to ice as she felt the cool sharp point of a knife blade pressing into her back. She froze. "What are you doing Zoe?" Tessa inquired, her voice wavering in fear. "I thought we trusted each other. We said we were in this together remember?" Zoe didn't reply.

Anger began to build inside of Tessa changing her fear into blind rage. Her blood boiled in her veins. How could Zoe do this to her? Tessa slowly raised her hands above her head and took a deep breath. She had no intention of letting the job go down like this. In one swift motion Tessa swept the feet of her attacker and made a mad dash for the knife resting on the desktop. She had scarcely reached the knife when she felt herself being slammed against the wall, hard. There was no was Zoe was strong enough to do that. Tessa let out a small cry of surprise as her head cracked against the windowpane splintering the glass into slivers. Tessa slid to the floor fighting to remain conscious. She struggled to reach her feet; battling against the dizziness that swept over her in waves. She fell to her knees on the richly carpeted floor. "Concentrate!" She ordered herself. She could feel the warm trickle of blood dripping from the gash on in the back of her head. "Concentrate!" She screamed to herself once more. Her muscles tensed as she fixed all of her thoughts on the wound. Pain sliced through her as the gash slowly pulled together. She could feel the skin fusing back to its original state, healing. She attempted to open her eyes as she blankly groped the floor for a weapon. She could feel the throbbing pain begin to subside and she snapped her eyes open searching for her attacker. " Zoe!" she screamed worried. "Zoe, where are you?" Tessa began to panic. As her eyes began to focus she could just make out the glint of the knife's blade half hidden in the carpet. Lunging for the article she was shocked to be thrown to the ground by a pair of rough hands. The hands held her tightly around the wrists pinning her to the floor. An overwhelming sent of tangy-musk filled her nose. Taking a wavering breath Tessa drank in the intoxicating smell. She sucked in a sharp breath as the man's whiskers raked across her milky skin scratching a path to her ear. "Get out." The voice was gruff and filled with wild intensity. The warmth of the man's breath sent a shiver through Tessa all the way to her soul. She was as good as dead. "I'm giving you one chance." the voice warned, "Get out or I will kill you." Before Tessa could reach her feet the man had already retreated like a phantom into the shadows. Tessa made her way to her feet in a daze, her heart slamming into her ribs. She stumbled out of the den in search of Zoe. What had just happened in there? Tessa's breath caught in her chest as she heard Zoe's soft whimpering coming from out of the darkness. Tessa raced down the hallway after Zoe following her cries. She found her huddled against a door with her arms wrapped tightly around herself. "We're leaving." Tessa informed her pulling her to her feet. Keeping hold of Zoe's arm Tessa lead her in a full sprint down the hallway to the open window that had served as their entrance. "Tessa, what was that?" Zoe questioned choking back sobs. "Shut up." Tessa ordered looking fearfully over her shoulder. "Out." Tessa told Zoe helping her through the window. She waited impatiently as Zoe crawled awkwardly down the arbor they had used to reach the window. Tessa took a deep breath and slipped out after Zoe. After reaching the ground they made their way to the run down old jeep that they had hidden in the nearby brush. Zoe shrugged her backpack off her shoulders and set the empty bag on the floor of the vehicle. Tessa revved the engine as she took one last glance at the Xavior School. Slammed the gas pedal with her foot grinding it into the floorboards. She didn't want another encounter with whatever had attacked her up there. She let out a ragged sigh as the sped off down the baron road. "Where are we going?" Zoe's voice was timid and weak. "Home." Tessa replied fixing her eyes on the long stretch of road ahead of them. Glancing at Zoe in the mirror Tessa could read the concern in her eyes. Zoe sat staring at the empty bag on the floor. Tessa let out a frustrated grumble as she pulled off the skull cap that had been covering her ebony hair. She threw her head back and let the wind rip through her hair. What was she going to tell David? Zoe knew what Tessa was thinking because the same thoughts were running through her brain. She knew that if Tessa returned without anything to sell for money there would be hell to pay. David didn't like to be disappointed not at all; and when he and Tessa fought things went real bad real fast. There was no way they could go home empty handed, not without consequences.