On Second Thought

by Phoenix

Title: On Second Thought
Author: Phoenix (lifefromfire@crosswinds.net)
Character/Pairing: Scott, Logan, no pairing.
Rating: G
Archiving: Want it? Take it. Just give me credit.

Summary: Standing over the injured and unconscious
Logan, Scott considers their new teammate.

Disclaimer: As the title says, not mine. They belong
to Marvel (I think). I make no money.

Notes: This is based soley on movie canon.
And...another drive by bunny! Scott is taking over my
brain. I have two more in mind. At
least they're short...

*On Second Thought*
by Phoenix

It looks like we've added another member to our team. If
he wakes up. If he stays. Considering what the professor
has to tell him, I doubt he will. Logan doesn't strike me
as a team player. Though he worked well enough with us
when he had to.

For God's sake, Scott, at least be honest with yourself.
You were impressed. When it really counted, when the
confrontation we've been preparing for finally came, he
filled in the gaps in the team that had been bothering
you. We had mutant strength, mental strength, team
strength...but not physical strength. Sometimes you can't
trick the bad guy - you just have to beat the shit out of

And sometimes that strength is needed to prop other
people up. Could anyone else have done for Rogue what
Logan did? Looking down at the blood spotted bandages
that swathe his ribs and chest, I wonder if he's
discovered the limits of his regenerative power. Probably
not. He is, after all, still breathing.

After only a few days, I already know that Logan is not
the kind of man who gives up, who admits defeat. Once
he decided to help Rogue, that was it. Even when she
demanded more of him than he ever expected to have to

I have to respect him for that. As much as I hate to. His
single-mindedness threatens my authority...and my
happiness, if he truly has set his sights on Jean. But I
know I can survive it. If I can't, well, then I don't really
deserve either, do I?

Yeah, right. And stay away from my girl, too.

While he lies here, unconscious, healing, I can take a
moment to really look at him. Not to assess the threat,
not to watch him or check up on him, just to look at him.
He's powerfully built and vaguely bestial, though I can't
pin the impression down to a combination of features.
Maybe it's all the hair.

Logan is...well, pretty much the opposite of me. Boy
next door meets the wolf man. The mutant version. I
hold back a laugh, but find myself grinning a little

He's not a team player. He's after my girl. And I
definitely don't like him. But he made the team work,
when it got right down to it. Even if he did do it more
because he felt he owed it to Rogue than because it was
the good fight. When he comes to...I hope he stays.

**The End**