Title: I Don't Care
Author: Thunderfoot (Sheena)
Email: takkenb-sheena@powerup.com.au

Rating: Pg-13ish, some swearing, this is Logan people.
Setting: Movieverse
Archive: If you want it ask me :o)
Summary: A loner by nature, Logan does something that surprises even him.
Feedback: Please :o)
Disclaimer: I don't own 'im, Marvel and 20th Century Fox do.


"I know what you are!".......

It hadn't really been a fight, shit it hadn't even been a skirmish, but it was enough to wear out his welcome in Laughlin City.

Not that he'd ever been welcome there anyway.

He'd grabbed his money and left, with everybody cowering and glaring at the same time.

Funny, it semed that was how he left every place he stayed at.Time to move on to the next town till he wore out his welcome there to.

How long had he been living like this?

How long was it since he woke in the backwoods of nowhere with little to no memory of who or what he was. Shit, it had taken him two weeks to remember his name was Logan.

Almost fifteen years since he'd woken wearing practically nothing but a set of dog tags labeling him 'Wolverine' and the memory of being experimented on.

They'd named him that, taken his memories....bastards.

Almost fifteen years since he'd discovered the claws.

A noise coming from his trailer alerted him to the fact that he was not alone. He had a fair idea who it was hitching a ride, the kid had stuck out like the proverbial monkeys arse back at the bar. Probably didn't realize he'd heard her move.

Hah, probably didn't realize he could hear a snowflake drop in a blizzard.

Her bad luck, who did she think he was, he wasn't anybodies taxi.

He slamed on the brakes and got out of the camper. He could hear her moving about again, could smell her too. She needed a bath.

He walked to where she was hiding under the tarp and poked her.

She didn't move but he heard her gasp.

Okay then, we can play this the hard way.

He poked her again and ripped the tarp that was covering the trailer down, growling at her to get out.

"Where am I going to go?"

She had a point there.

Damn, he was not going to get involved. She could hitch a ride with somebody else for all he cared.

"I don't know" he turned his back on her, cutting off the hurt, scared look on her face.

"You don't know or you don't care?" She sounded hurt.

Just keep walking Logan.

"Pick one" he kept walking, it was not his place to get involved.

"I saved you life" she called to his back. She sounded slightly desperate.

"No you didn't" She didn't, he could hear those people behind him perfectly well. He drove off.

Images kept playing through his head. Her in the bar, visibly wincing at every hit he took. Her in the bar looking completely out of place. Her injured look as he kicked her out of the trailer.

Shit! He was NOT going to get involved.

He looked in the rearview mirror. She looked near tears.

He slamed on his brakes.

What the hell was he doing?! he was Wolverine, he didn't pick up hitchhikers, much less innocent girls.

But still he sat there. He didn't pick up hitchhikers but he couldn't leave here there, it was obvious that she wouldn't survive long by herself.

At the next town she was out.

He still didn't know why he was doing this.
