Conclusion of Burlesque by Rocket J

They sat together in Union Square Park. It was dark, but there were still plenty of people walking around. The cast and crew were on dinner break before the evening performances and Logan wanted to be alone with Nina somewhere besides the theater or the greasy spoon where everyone generally went to eat.

He held her hand in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying her company.

"Nina, darlin', how committed are ya to the idea of a house on Long Island?"

She gave him a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean is it the idea of Long Island you like, or the house or is it both?"

"I guess," she began slowly, sifting through her feelings on the subject, "it's mostly about having a house and a good environment for Michael more than anything. I guess I just decided on Long Island because I hear of so many people moving there. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I spoke to an army buddy of mine this morning. He tells me Edmonton is booming since the war is over, the gas and oil industry is growing and there's a lot of building going on. He offered me a job as a foreman for his construction company."

She smiled at him. "Logan, you're going to be my husband. I'll go wherever you want me to go."

He laughed, relieved that she'd agreed so easily. He put his arm around her shoulder.

"Darlin', you'll love Canada. Alberta is beautiful country, right where the Rockies meet the prairie. I'll be able to take Mike camping and fishing all the time. It's a good place for a boy to grow up."

"How can I argue with that when you turned out so well?" She cuffed him playfully on the shoulder. "Do you have any idea when you'd like to do this?"

"Well, I guess that all depends on when I can get you to set a date," he teased. He glanced down at his watch. "Guess we'd better get back. Curtain is in a half hour."

Logan was manning one of the fly ropes ready to whisk the scenery out of the way for Brandy's strip when Joe came running up, breathless.

"Where is she?" He whispered frantically to Logan.


"Brandy! She's on in two and she's not set! I'm putting Windy on in her place but you better go check on her!"

Logan swore under his breath and raced for Brandy's dressing room. He knocked and called her name but got no answer. He could hear the muffled sound of movement through the door. Trying the knob he found it locked. He stepped back a few paces and rammed the door with his shoulder. The flimsy lock gave under the strain and the door flew back.

The sight that greeted him sent his stomach lurching into his throat. Brandy was huddled on the floor in the corner wearing her dressing gown, sobbing into her hands. Her beautiful blonde hair was scattered around her in clumps on the floor and he could see that what was left on her head had been chopped very raggedly. It looked like it had been done with a straight razor.

"Oh my God!" Logan sank to his knees and took the sobbing woman in his arms, rocking her as she cried against him. "What happened, darlin'?" He asked, although judging from the scents he was picking up he could pretty well guess and he could feel the rage building.

He went to the sink and got her a glass of water. She sipped and he held her and stroked her hair until the sobs died away and her hiccups subsided.

He moved with her to the little chaise lounge and sat down. She was still crying softly but she told him what happened.

"I was sitting here putting on my make-up. The door opened and I thought it was Windy but it was Rosie and Bubbles. They locked the door behind them." She was getting agitated again with the memory, and Logan rubbed her back soothingly. She took a deep breath and continued. "They locked the door behind them and they both held me down while Rosie hacked off my hair." She collapsed against him in sobs again.

Jesus Christ! He was gonna have that bitch's guts for garters! He was so angry he felt like pulling the place down around their ears and was ready to confront Rosie that very second, but he pushed it back. Brandy was more important.

"It's alright, honey. She's gonna be out of here very soon." He got up to go get Joe but she frantically grasped his hand.

"No! Don't leave me," she began sobbing again and he sat back down.

Brandy wanted to kick herself. She never, ever cried but it seemed that now that she had started she couldn't stop. It felt so right crying into Logan's shirt, and he was so warm and strong and comforting. She suspected now she wasn't just crying about the humiliating experience of having the other two women hold her down and cut her hair but also for all the things she'd never let herself cry about over the years; leaving home, having an illegitimate child, giving up her dreams of dancing in the ballet. It felt so good to finally cry it all out.

Joe stepped in and took in the scene, an incredulous look on his face.

"Rosie?" He asked Logan in a disgusted voice.

Logan scowled. "Yeah, and her accomplice, Bubbles." Logan said referring to Rosie's best friend among the other strippers. "That frail's gotta be certifiable. She knows she's out on her ass after this."

"Both of them are," Joe said grimly. A couple of lucky chorus girls were going to be getting promotions tonight. He turned to Brandy. "Honey, you get dressed and I'll have Logan take you home. Windy can strip in your spot again in the late show. Don't worry about being here for the first one tomorrow either. You go get your hair done and come in whenever you're up to it. Logan, can I ask you to keep an eye on her? I know you two live in the same building. Would you mind taking her home now and staying with her tomorrow?"

"Thanks, Joe," Brandy sniffled.

Logan stood guard outside the door while Brandy changed back into her street clothes. He had the perfect vantage point to witness the scene with Rosie. Joe came storming out of her dressing room, three doors down.

"You're out of here, Rosie! Don't come back or I'll call the cops. I swear I will. How can I run a professional operation with a lunatic like you terrorizing my best stripper?"

Rosie came flying out after him; her hands clawed, ready to scratch his eyes out, but he caught her wrists.

"Your best stripper? Ha! That's a laugh. I'm your best stripper! Too bad you never realized it. You always cosseted that little blonde bruja, gave her everything. She's even got my man now."

Logan could feel his blood beginning to boil. He walked to where she and Joe were struggling, pulled her off the older man and tossed her back through the dressing room door.

He advanced on her, eyes blazing fire. She backed away until she was against the dressing table and there was nowhere else to go.

"What did I tell you Rosie?" He said, his voice low and menacing. "What did I tell you I would do if you hurt Brandy again?"

Rosie's face went pale. The cold fury in Logan's eyes turned her knees to water and she clutched at the edge of the table to keep from falling.

"Joe!" Logan called over his shoulder. The older man came into the room. Logan grabbed a suitcase that was in the closet and handed it to him. "Pack her stuff. She's leaving. Now!" He turned to the trembling redhead. "You! Get on your coat and shoes. I'm not even going to wait for you to change."

He watched as she crossed to the closet, never moving her eyes from him. She took out her coat and street shoes and put them on, buttoning the coat closed with trembling hands. When she had her coat on he was next to her with lightening speed. Logan grabbed her around the waist and threw her over his shoulder.

She suddenly came back to herself as the blood began rushing to her head. "Logan!" She shrieked. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Rosie, I told you if you ever hurt Brandy again I was gonna throw you out on your ass myself. I also told you I don't make idle threats." He began striding down the hall. People stopped in their tracks to watch the scene. Brandy stood at the door to her dressing room with her mouth hanging open in amazement.

Joe followed them with the suitcase as Rosie kicked and shrieked and beat her fists impotently against Logan's back.

"Don't do this, Logan! I'm warning you. You won't hear the end of this. I'll make your life miserable."

Logan ignored her and continued out the door and up Irving Place to Fourteenth Street where he hailed a cab. Pulling the back door open he threw the woman down on the back seat. Joe pushed the suitcase in after her and slammed the door. Logan gave the cab driver the address through the driver's side window and the cab sped off. Both men stood at the curb watching it drive away and heaved a sigh of relief.

Brandy was waiting at the stage door wide-eyed when they came back. "Oh my gosh! What was that all about?"

"Just gettin' rid of the trash, darlin'." Logan said grimly. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, the tension and anger ebbing out of him now that Rosie was gone. He hugged Brandy to him. "I'll just get my things and we can get the hell out of here."

Brandy was quiet and withdrawn on the cab ride home. She huddled very close to Logan, her face buried against the front of his coat. He held her tightly; instinctively knowing she needed the comfort of his presence.

He walked her up to her apartment. Mrs. L had just put Mike to bed when they came in. Nina had her scarf wrapped around her head to cover her hair and carried her hat. She retreated to the bedroom head bowed, not saying anything to the older woman.

Mrs. L looked after her obviously curious.

"She's not feeling well. I brought her home." Logan said by way of explanation. It wasn't exactly a lie.

"Poor dear," Mrs. Lieberman said, clucking her tongue. "She's been having a hard time of it lately. You're such a good friend to take care of her."

He smirked at her. "Well, Mrs. L, thanks to your little stunt the other night we're a little more than friends now. We'll be getting married as soon as I can convince her to set a date."

Mrs. Lieberman burst into a huge grin and hugged him. "Mazel Tov, as we say, young man! That's the most wonderful news I've heard in a long time. Now you go take care of your intended and I'll see you both in the morning."

Logan could hear the sounds of splashing in the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Are you alright in there, darlin'?"

Her muffled voice carried through the door. "I'm fine, Logan. I'm just washing up."

"Call me if you need anything."

He went to the kitchen and put the teakettle on. He'd make her a cup of tea and make sure she got into bed before heading downstairs. There was a six-pack in the icebox calling his name.

He heard the bathroom door open and the soft 'flap-flap' of her slippers on the hardwood floor. He turned to find her standing in the doorway wrapped in a fluffy chenille bathrobe, her eyes downcast and shoulders slumped. She'd washed her hair and even though one side was still longer than the other he could see it was a lot curlier now that it was short.

She looked so forlorn he felt like a huge fist was squeezing his heart. It hurt to look at her. He held his arms out and she ran into the circle of his embrace, burying her face into his chest. He could feel her tiny shoulders quaking with mute sobs and her tears soaking the front of his shirt.

He looked down, trying to get her to meet his eyes. He tugged on a stray curl to get her attention. "Hey, don't worry. Everything is gonna be alright. You'll go get it fixed tomorrow and it will look fine. " She raised her head, sniffled and wiped her runny nose with her sleeve. "Actually, I'm getting used to the short hair. The curls are kinda cute."

She sniffled again. "It's my own fault. I jinxed myself by thinking I was going to look so beautiful on our wedding day."

"Darlin', you will look beautiful on our wedding day. I have no doubt in my mind about that. Now let's get you into bed." He spun her around by the shoulders and gave her a familiar pat on the rump to get her moving in the direction of the bedroom. He followed with the teacup.

She took off her bathrobe and climbed between the covers. He handed her the teacup and watched approvingly while she sipped the soothing brew. Placing the drink down she slid over to make room for him to sit on the edge of the bed.

He sat down against the headboard and put his arms around her. Nina placed her head in his lap with her arms around his waist. They sat there quietly and he stroked her head gently. When he thought she was asleep he quietly started to move away but she grabbed him back again.

"No! Don't go. Stay at least until I'm asleep. I don't want to be alone."

He smiled indulgently. "Alright, darlin'. I'll stay." He sat back against the headboard again and she put her head back in his lap and closed her eyes. He fell asleep stroking her hair.

Logan awoke suddenly around five, completely disoriented. After a few seconds he realized he'd fallen asleep in Nina's bed and sometime during the night she'd moved to spoon against him. He looked down to see he was on top of the covers fully dressed. He lay still for a moment reveling in the feel of her heat against him through the sheet and quilt. His heart swelled at the thought that soon he would wake up next to this beautiful woman every single morning.

He buried his face in the back of her head and inhaled her sweet fragrance before reluctantly slipping off the bed. He had enough time to run back downstairs to shower and change, then he'd come back up and make breakfast for Mikey and Nina. He smiled; he had a few errands to run while she had her hair done.

He had finished up and was back in her apartment while she was in the shower. He went to the refrigerator and pulled out some eggs and bacon. He poked around and found a packet of margarine that looked to be new; Nina hadn't added the yellow dye yet and it was still a sickly lard color. He grabbed the coffee pot and added water before scooping the grounds into the basket. Setting it on the stove to perk, he went to wake Mikey and get him dressed.

Logan was just sliding the eggs and bacon onto a plate when Nina came in dressed and ready to start the day. Mikey was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cornflakes and some toast.

"Morning, Mommy," he said. He looked up and frowned. "Mommy, what did you do to your hair?"

"Mommy's hair had a little accident last night, Mike. I have to go have it cut this morning."

The little boy seemed satisfied with that answer and turned his attention to the scrambled eggs Logan was spooning onto his plate.

He came around the table and kissed Nina on the cheek. "Good morning, darlin'."

"Morning," she murmured quietly.

"What time does the beauty parlor open?"

"At eight. I'm going to have be there on the dot and beg them to fit me in."

"How long do you think it will take?"

"It all depends on how long I have to wait. Why?"

"Well I have a few things I need to do this morning and I just want to make sure I get back in time to ride to the theater with you. I'll walk up to Flatbush Avenue with you once you bring Mike next door."

When breakfast was done Nina went to drop off Mike at Mrs. Lieberman's while Logan cleaned up the breakfast dishes.

Mrs. L smiled brightly when she opened the door. "Ah, Nina. Mazel Tov on your engagement, as I was telling Mr. Logan last night. This is such wonderful news. But, dear, he tells me you haven't set a date yet." She winked at the younger woman. "I honestly don't know how you can wait."

Nina shook her head in amusement. She heard Logan chuckle behind her. He swaggered towards her, a playful smirk on his face.

"I don't know how you can wait either, darlin'."

She slipped her arm through his. "Well then, maybe we should add another stop to this morning's agenda."

Logan left Nina at the beauty parlor and arranged to meet her in an hour. His errands took him a little longer than that and she was waiting outside when he got back.

She was grinning ear to ear; her hat perched jauntily on her head. He could see that they'd had to cut her hair to just about collar length in order to even it out but crisp little curls now framed her face and brushed her nape. A side part swept over into a little pompadour that ended in a perky curl over her right eye. She did a little pirouette as he approached her to show off.

He hugged her to him. "You're absolutely gorgeous," he whispered against her ear. She tilted her head up to him and he gently claimed her lips.

"Now what was this other stop you wanted to add to the agenda?"

"Dr. Carlson for blood tests," she said smiling. "Once we have them we can get married any time you want. Oh but you have to give me at least one day off to make something to wear," she added.

"Fair enough, beautiful!" He kissed her again. He stopped walking and dropped to one knee in front of her.

She giggled nervously. "Logan, what are you doing? We're in the middle of Flatbush Avenue. People are staring!" She was beginning to blush.

"Can't wait, darlin'!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little velvet box. The lid was flipped up and inside Nina could see the most beautiful engagement ring she'd ever laid eyes on. "Nina Dillard, will you marry me?"

"You know I will, you big dope!" He slid the ring on her finger and people around them began applauding. Logan stood up, a little sheepish now that he was aware of the scene he'd made.

Nina sighed and held up her hand to look at her ring. It was a beautiful round diamond solitaire prong set into a square setting and had little round diamonds of graduated sizes on either side of the platinum band.

"It's not a real big diamond, darlin', only a third of a carat but it's flawless. I bought the best I could find."

She hugged him tightly. "Logan, I wouldn't care if it was only a little diamond chip if it came from you, but it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It fits perfectly too!"

"That was one of my errands this morning. Now, we were on our way to the doctor's office as I recall."

She pulled him by the arm. "C'mon you big lug. You're never getting out of marrying me now!"

On their days off, more often than not, Logan found Nina in front of her sewing machine. Whenever he would try to peek over her shoulder at what she was making she'd turn her back and say, "This doesn't concern you yet." She was sewing her wedding dress and trousseau.

When it was done she told him, "I'm ready whenever you are!"

They decided to keep it as quiet as possible and just go to Borough Hall to the Justice of the Peace. Nina asked Mrs. Lieberman to be her Matron of Honor and Logan asked Joe to stand up for him as Best Man. Mike attended as ring bearer, thrilled to death that Uncle Logan was finally becoming his daddy.

One cold Tuesday morning in December just before Christmas, Logan awaited Nina's appearance in front of the Justice of the Peace on the second floor of the building that housed the borough's administrative offices. When she came through the wooden doors she took his breath away.

She was wearing a very pale pink satin dress. The Queen Anne neckline framed her heart-shaped face. Long, pointed sleeves ended at matching pink gloves. The bodice was seamed just under her bust and again at the waist accentuating her shapely figure and flaring to a full skirt that ended just below her knee. On her head was a matching satin bonnet adorned with silk flowers. A short veil hung off the back to her shoulders, her one concession to the secret of her true unmarried status. In her hands she carried a small nosegay of pale pink roses. Logan wore a matching rose in the lapel of his charcoal gray suit.

He took her hand as she stepped up to him and smiled ecstatically at her. She answered with one of her own.

Nina went through the ceremony in a daze; the Justice's words nothing more than droning to her. She knew enough to answer, "I do," in the correct place but all she could think was, "I'm marrying Logan! I'm marrying Logan!" Before she knew it, he was placing a beautiful diamond and platinum band on her left hand and she was placing one on his and they were being pronounced man and wife.

The first kiss he gave her as Mrs. James Logan sent electricity through her to the tips of her toes. She looked up at him, breathless.

Congratulations were offered all around. The Justice shook their hands; Mrs. Lieberman hugged them both fiercely and everyone posed happily for the photographer Logan had hired.

Joe clapped Logan on the back. "Congratulations to both of you. To celebrate, I'm taking everyone, Mike included," he said ruffling the little boy's hair, "to the Brass Rail for prime rib." He lowered his voice so Mrs. Lieberman wouldn't hear him. "Although why I should reward you for stealing my best stripper away is beyond me."

At lunch Nina and Logan told Joe they were giving two weeks notice. He told them he'd assumed as much. The men talked about Edmonton and Mike asked Logan dozens of questions about fishing and the mountains and whether or not he'd get to see real bears.

Mrs. Lieberman cried and told Nina how much she'd miss them both so much but she was ecstatic that Nina had found such a good husband and a man who would obviously be such an excellent father to Mike. Nina hugged the older woman, thanking her for everything she'd done for Michael and herself.

Joe left them after lunch to go to the theater. Logan, Nina, Mike and Mrs. Lieberman took a cab back to their house.

Nina changed into a pink wool "going away" suit the same shade as her gown and topped off by a pink felt hat. Logan pinned a corsage of the same pale pink roses as her nosegay to the lapel of her jacket. Even though "going away" only meant crossing the bridge to Manhattan for a couple of days, he wanted her to have as many of the trappings as possible. He'd arranged for a limousine to come and pick them up and take them to The Plaza Hotel for their short honeymoon.

He carried her valise out to the car and helped her in for the quick ride to the hotel. Nina settle back into the circle of Logan's arms.

The Plaza! She could hardly believe it! Logan was taking her to The Plaza, the most luxurious hotel in the City. He'd promised her tea at the Palm Court and dinner in Trader Vic's. She sighed contentedly and thought of all the beautiful new clothes she'd made, now safely packed away in the trunk of the limo.

They checked into their small suite and he carried her over the threshold to the amusement of the bellboy. When they were alone, Logan put his arms around Nina and gave her a kiss that was filled with the promise of the delights to follow that evening. Nina broke the kiss and reached up to nervously pat her hair.

"Well, on that note I think I'll shower and change into something a little more comfortable," she said.

He flashed her a wicked grin that started her heart pounding and caused her breath to catch in her throat. She hurried to the bedroom, grabbed what she needed from her suitcase and crossed into the master bath. With trembling hands she unbuttoned her blouse and removed her skirt and under things and stepped into the shower.

Logan waited in the living room of the suite until he heard the bathroom door close and the water start running in the shower. He had a hunch Nina would be awhile, so heading into the bedroom he shucked his suit jacket, tie and shirt, grabbed his dopp kit out of his suitcase and went to the smaller bathroom to shave. Several times he had to stop and take a deep breaths in order to steady his shaking hands. He had butterflies in his stomach and he thought he might hyperventilate.

He couldn't believe how nervous he was, as nervous as.well, as a bridegroom. He gripped the side of the sink and inhaled slowly. Get a hold on yourself, Logan, he told himself. You're not exactly an inexperienced kid. But no matter how many times he told himself that, there was still a part of him that knew you only slept with your wife for the first time once in your life.

When he finished shaving he called room service and ordered a light supper of shrimp cocktail, pate', caviar and champagne and turned on the radio to a music program.

Crossing to the bedroom he changed into a new pair of silk pajamas, and a merino wool robe. A few minutes later he heard the water stop running in the shower and the sounds of Nina getting ready. When room service came he closed the bedroom door and went out to the living room to let them in.

The waiter set all the food on the small table near the window of the suite. He lit the candles and asked Logan if he'd like him to open the champagne.

Logan shook his head. "No telling how long the lady might be," he told the man with a smile on his face. "I'll open it when she's ready." He sent him his way with a big tip and walked to the bedroom door.

Knocking lightly he called, "Nina, darlin'. Are you ok in there?"

The door opened a crack and her little blonde head peeked out. She glanced conspiratorially to her left and right.

"I don't think you should be here," she said with mock seriousness, "my husband will be back any moment!"

"Is that so? Well, I think I can handle him. Why don't you come on out?" he said with a smile.

Nina pulled the door open and, it seemed to him, nearly floated into the room. She was breathtaking in a powder blue silk negligee covered with a blue chiffon peignoir trimmed in white lace. Her curls were pinned atop her head with matching blue bows and on her feet she wore blue satin mules adorned with rosettes. He pulled her close.

"God, Nina, you are so beautiful," he whispered huskily against her ear before lowering his mouth to hers in a sensual kiss.

"You don't look so bad yourself," she murmured against his lips.

He turned and pulled the chair out for her.

"I ordered a little supper. Lunch was so big I didn't think you'd be that hungry."

"Oh, Logan this looks delicious!" She said eyeing the shrimp cocktail. "What's that?" She asked pointing to the caviar.

"Russian Caviar, darlin'. Only the best for my wife." He pulled the champagne out of the bucket and began unwrapping the wire from the cork.

"Ooo, I've never had champagne before," she said watching wide eyed as the cork flew halfway across the room.

Logan quickly poured into the two glasses on the table to avoid spilling the foaming liquid. He slewed his eyes toward her.

"Well then, you can't have too much; don't want ya getting drunk. Relaxed is good, drunk would be very bad," he said wryly.

He held up his glass and touched it to hers, "Here's to the most beautiful wife in the world."

She smiled up into his eyes, "And here's to the most perfect husband."

They sipped and he chuckled when she wrinkled her nose. "It tickles," she said.

"It does," he agreed. "That's why you sip it."

"Ok, so how does this caviar thing work," she said looking curiously at the table.

He picked up a toast point and spooned some of the rich, black substance onto it, along with a dollop of sour cream and some chopped egg and handed it to her.

While she was chewing on that he took a small piece of crusty baguette and spread some pate' over it for her. He watched, amused as she rolled her eyes appreciatively at the caviar. She took the pate' laden bread from him.

"Pate'" he told her.

"Oh, you mean liverwurst," she side wryly.

"Nina, baby, I guarantee this is like no other liverwurst you've ever had."

She bit into the bread and groaned appreciatively. "Oh, I could get very used to this, Logan."

He smiled, "I promise you caviar, pate' and champagne at least once a year on our anniversary. Fair enough?"

She nodded and began nibbling on her shrimp cocktail. They both ate quietly, sipping at their champagne and sharing significant looks and smiles over the candles on the table. Their suite was on the east side of the hotel and they had a view of the fountain in front of the hotel as well as a stretch of Fifth Avenue and Central Park with hansom cabs lined up waiting for tourists.

Nina stared dreamily at the early evening traffic passing by on the avenue and Logan stared dreamily at her. The dulcet tones of Frank Sinatra and the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra were playing in the background on the radio.

Logan smiled when he heard the lyrics.

Time and again I've longed for adventure
Something to make my heart beat much faster
What did I long for, I never really knew.
Finding your love, I found my adventure,
Touching your hand my heart beat much faster
All that I want in all of this world is you.

He took Nina's hand and gently tugged her out of her chair, "Dance with me, darlin'."

He took her in his arms and pressed her head to his shoulder. They swayed gently to the music.

You are the promised kiss of springtime
That makes the lonely winter seem long
You are the breathless hush of evening
That trembles on the brink of a lovely song.

Nina sighed and snuggled closer, reveling in the smell of his shaving soap and the masculine scent of his skin. Being held by him made her feel like nothing in the world could ever hurt her. She listened to the slow beating of his heart and it made her feel so secure.

You are the angel glow that lights the star,
The dearest things I know are what you are.
Someday my happy arms will hold you,
And someday I'll know that moment divine
When all the things you are, are mine.

Logan rested his cheek against the top of her head. Holding her like this, listening to Sinatra's voice wash over them, he knew that everything he'd ever wanted, ever searched for, ever felt he was missing in his life was right here in his arms. He held her tighter and let the feelings engulf him. His desire for this woman, he corrected himself, was wrapped around so many other deeper feelings. He moved his hands over her back and savored the sensation of her soft flesh under the silk negligee.

His breathing sped up and he had to remind himself to go slowly, she was still inexperienced despite her history with Grant. They'd only been together one night and Logan needed to treat her like the innocent she was.

She raised her face and he looked into her eyes. Those sapphire blue orbs showed him everything; he could see her apprehension but it was tempered by the naked love and trust shining there for him and his breath hitched in his throat. He cupped her face in both hands and slowly lowered his lips to hers. His eyes flew open in surprise when she opened her lips to him and began cautiously teasing him with her tongue. She was inexperienced but she was passionate and it was going to be his undoing.

He groaned out loud when she stood on tiptoe and pressed the length of her body against his. His hands reached down to cup her buttocks and fit her against him. He dipped his head to nibble on the sensitive skin where her neck met her shoulder.

Nina was hot and cold all at the same time. She'd never understood what all the fuss was about regarding sex. Sleeping with Grant had been pleasant, but solely because of her feelings for him and not because of some earth-shattering physical experience, in fact it had been rather painful. But he'd never made her feel the way Logan was making her feel right now, like her bones had turned to water and her skin to liquid fire, like she was going to collapse into a heap on the floor and start screaming right now if she didn't get.what? What did she need? She wasn't sure but she was desperate to find out!

She let out a surprised chirp when Logan literally swept her off her feet and carried her into the bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed and stood back to remove his robe and slippers before lying down beside her. She kicked her own slippers over the side and put her head back against the pillow. Logan ran his hand over her side and began working the negligee up her leg until he'd bared one beautiful thigh to his hungry gaze. His fingertips lightly trailed over her skin and along her inner thigh, just barely brushing the moist skin between her legs. Lowering his head he lightly teased one nipple to life beneath the thin silk of her nightgown, smiling slightly when she gasped and arched against him.

Her hands had gone around his back and were now under his pajama top caressing the muscular expanse. She frantically wanted to feel his skin against hers and began undoing the buttons. Logan glanced up into her face and caught the wild gleam in her eye. He would have been amused if it hadn't sent a bolt of raw lust through his body. He was harder than he'd ever been in his life and he wanted so much to thrust mindlessly between her thighs until she screamed with pleasure and he spilled inside her, but he took a deep breath and grasped anxiously at the modicum of control he had left.

He was going to make sure it was as pleasurable as possible for her before he began worrying about himself.

"Nina," he said, his voice coming out husky with passion, "sit up a second, sweetheart."

She leaned forward and he lifted her negligee over her head, exposing her body to his fevered view. He drank in the sight of her. Of course he'd seen plenty before at the theater but now she was in front of him completely nude; no fishnet tights, no spangled tulle illusion, just her beautiful creamy skin.

A moan of appreciation escaped his throat. "You're so perfect, baby." he said, his eyes moving over her curves and down to the honey colored tuft of hair at the juncture of her thighs. "I can't imagine what I ever did to deserve you."

She blushed and glanced away but he could tell she was smiling. His pajamas quickly joined her nightgown on the floor and he leaned down and began brushing kisses across her neck and shoulders, slowly working his way over her chest and down her belly.

She gasped and bucked against him when he gently pressed a finger in her soft folds. He worked her slowly, still planting kisses on her hips and belly, slowly moving his mouth closer and closer to her wet core. She cried out in surprise, coming up off the bed when his tongue gently touched her aching clitoris. He pressed her down against the covers with his free hand and continued laving her with his tongue and moving his finger slowly in and out of her center until she was frantic.

Nina could sense strange feelings curling in her belly. She wanted that elusive something now more than ever if only she knew what it was. She moved instinctively against Logan, the tension building inside her and knowing that he was the only one who could release it.

She cried out as waves of pleasure washed over her. She felt like she was breaking into a million little crystal pieces and then being put back together again. This incredible feeling tingled right down to her fingertips and she never wanted it to stop.

Logan's hand tightened around her thigh and he kept working her core until the last tremor of orgasm had passed through her. When she stilled he slowly crept up to cover her body with his. He knelt between her thighs and looked down into her unfocused eyes. His erection brushed gently against her wet sex and he shuddered with his need for her.

Slowly, so slowly so as not to frighten her, he thrust into her, just a little bit at a time until he was fully sheathed in her tightness. He groaned as she closed around him. Nina whimpered with delight and raised her legs to encircle his waist.

"Oh, God, darlin'," Logan managed to bleat out, "don't move."

But Nina couldn't help it. The feelings were building again and she moved without thinking, knowing now exactly what awaited her. Logan grit his teeth and began thrusting against her. He heard her breath rasping in his ear and the small sounds of arousal she was making were driving him wild. He could tell she was getting close to peaking again and he prayed he could hold on.

She grabbed his face between her hands and forced him to look into her eyes.

"Logan! Say my name!" She hissed. "I want to hear you say my name."

With his last shred of coherent thought he knew exactly what she was asking. Brandy was the object of so many men's desire. Brandy was the one that saw lust reflected in their eyes. She needed to know that it was Nina that he wanted, Nina that was the object of his desire.

Scorching hazel eyes bored into her glowing sapphire ones, "Nina," he rasped, "my Nina. Beautiful Nina."

He could feel her climax flood over her as she arched against him. Her hands went to his back and she raked her nails across his shoulders, crying out his name as she came.

His last bit of control shattered as she cried out and he moaned as he exploded into her. He wanted to weep with the rush of feelings that were wrapped up with coming into her. It was the most intense thing he'd ever felt with a woman. When he was spent he collapsed against her.

"Oh, God. Nina, baby, I love you so much," he whispered gently into her ear.

He held her until both their breathing slowed then moved to her side and pulled her against him. Feeling wetness on his shoulder he looked down to see her crying.

"Are you ok, darlin'?" He asked, alarmed. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

She gave a watery laugh. "Logan you did the furthest thing from hurting me. I'm sorry to be such a ninny; it's just I.I never knew it could be that way. Will it always be that wonderful?"

He smiled and pulled her closer. "Baby," he murmured against her temple, "it'll be better."

Nina woke early the next morning and stretched luxuriously. Logan's arm was thrown possessively over her waist and she could feel his muscular chest and taut belly rising and falling gently against her back. She lay quietly and savored the peaceful feeling of waking up in her husband's embrace.

They'd made love several more times before falling into an exhausted and sated sleep. Nina was starting to feel a tingling sensation between her legs at the thought of all the wonderful things she and Logan had done last night and she blushed. She wanted him again and it was shocking. She'd gone from someone who never thought about sex at all to a woman who was going to wear her husband out before the honeymoon was even over!

She snuggled her rump back against Logan's belly and felt him stir.

"Greedy wench," he mumbled good-naturedly against her hair. "Are you trying to kill me?"

She snickered and wiggled her posterior against his growing erection. "No, I'm just trying to claim what's rightfully mine as your lawfully wedded wife!"

He threw his leg over both of hers, hugged her closer and began nibbling on her shoulder, which was peeking out of the covers. She giggled and rolled onto her back.

He smirked down into her face. "Now listen, woman. I didn't bring you to Manhattan just so you could debauch me every waking minute. A man needs some nourishment once in awhile and some fresh air and sunshine."

She pouted. "But I want to debauch you," she said petulantly.

He flumped back onto his pillow, "Well, if you must," he groaned in mock distress.

She gave a delighted squeal and attacked his lips with gusto.

It was late morning before they finished breakfast and room service came to clear away the dishes.

Logan had showered and shaved and was dressing while Nina bathed. He could hear her singing while she splashed in the tub.

He sat down to await her with the paper. She emerged awhile later in a fitted black wool dress that had large black and white plaid diagonal patch pockets attached at the hips and trimmed with big shiny black buttons. There was a golden yellow silk scarf tied around her neck.

He looked up when she entered. "Did you make that too?" He asked.

She nodded, smiling proudly as she spun so he could inspect her.

He took both of her hands in his. "What do you want to do today, darlin'? We could go Christmas shopping at FAO Scwharz for Mikey; maybe take in the show at Radio City? Tonight I'll take you to dinner at Trader Vic's and then I've got a surprise."

She laughed delightedly. "More surprises? Logan, you're spoiling me! I think I'd like to go shopping today and do Radio City tomorrow."

He held up the plaid waist length cape that matched her dress and she slid her shoulders into it. He watched, fascinated as she buttoned it to her dress with the matching buttons at the shoulders. She perched a matching beret atop her head, pulled on a pair of yellow gloves that matched her scarf and picked up a little black suede box purse.

Logan donned his sports jacket and overcoat and escorted her to the elevator.

"Nina, honey," he said when they emerged on the sidewalk, "I have something I need to pick up before we go to FAO Schwarz."

He led her down Fifth Avenue two blocks to the corner of 57th Street and stopped in front of a large brownstone building.

"Here we are."

"But Logan, this is Tiffany's!"

"Sure is, darlin'." He started to enter but she planted herself in the middle of the sidewalk and didn't budge. It put him in mind of a puppy tugging on its leash and he chuckled. "They don't bite in here, Nina it's alright."

"Logan, what could you possibly have to pick up in here?" She asked him suspiciously.

He shot her a grin. "Why don't you just come in and find out." He held out his arm to her and she reluctantly gave him hers and followed him into the jewelry store.

An elegant looking sales woman greeted them as they approached one of the counters.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"Yes, I'm here to pick up something I ordered the other day." Logan handed the woman a copy of a sales receipt.

"Yes, of course, Mr. Logan. I'll only be a minute."

"Logan, what did you do?" Nina hissed under her breath. She shut up when the sales woman returned with two velvet boxes in the distinctive Tiffany robin's egg blue.

She donned a pair of white gloves and opened the first box, which was flat and square, and pulled out a strand of perfectly matched cultured pearls for Logan's inspection.

"I trust these will be to your satisfaction, sir," she said holding them out to him. She slid an oval mirror across the counter and placed it in front of Nina. "Would madam like to try them on?"

Nina looked from the woman to Logan, her confusion evident on her face.

"They're a wedding present," he held them out to her, "for you."

Dazedly she turned and offered him her neck. He latched the diamond clasp and she turned to the mirror. The ecru colored pearls looked luminescent against her skin and they fit perfectly with the high v-neck of her black dress. Her bright eyes sought his face. He was grinning broadly.

She didn't know what to say, but the sales woman came to her rescue. "Perhaps, Mrs. Logan, you'd like to try on the matching earrings?" Her jaw dropped. Earrings?

Logan took the smaller box from the sales woman and held it out to Nina. She opened it and found a pair of drop earrings, each one consisting of three pearls exactly like the ones in the necklace arranged in a little triangle. Her hands were shaking and it took her longer than usual to get them into her ears. When she had them on, she turned her head slightly to admire them in the mirror.

Logan leaned close to her ear. "Maybe when we get back to the hotel later you can model for me in nothing but the pearls," he whispered wickedly. Nina blushed and bit her lip to cover a smile.

"They're the most beautiful things I've ever owned," she told him. "I don't know what to say except thank you."

Logan turned to the sales woman. "The lady will wear them out, I think."

"Of course, sir. Let me just wrap the boxes for you," she said with crisp efficiency, coming back several minutes later with a shopping bag for them.

When they were back out on Fifth Avenue, Nina turned to him and said, "Logan, you really have to stop being so extravagant, especially where I'm concerned."

He hugged her close. "Nonsense, darlin'. I've got some money salted away and I'm determined that my wife is going to have the things a beautiful woman deserves to have." He stopped her when she began to protest. "Shush! I'm you're husband, don't argue," he told her with a smirk.

They spent a pleasant afternoon doing Christmas shopping along New York's most fashionable street. Nina had given Logan explicit instructions not to buy her anything for Christmas; the pearls, she told him, were more than enough. He laughed and promptly ignored her, saying she needed to have something under the tree on Christmas morning. They had lunch in Saks, and returned to The Plaza laden with packages not only from FAO Schwarz but also Bonwit Teller, Lord & Taylor, Arnold Constable, Best & Company, and several other stores.

Nina collapsed on the couch, kicking off her shoes. "Shopping is hard work."

"Do you want me to order some tea or something from room service?" He asked.

She shook her head. "I think I'm going to lie down and take a nap before dinner. What time is our reservation?"

"Seven o'clock."

She kissed him on the cheek. "Wake me at five thirty, honey." He quirked his eyebrow at her. She drew herself up and tried to look haughty. "Well, if I'm going to have dinner at Trader Vic's I'm going to want to look stunning, you know."

"You always look stunning."

"You're biased," she told him and went to the bedroom to lie down.

Logan poured himself a whiskey from the amply stocked bar and sat down to relax with the afternoon paper.

At 7:00 o'clock sharp, he escorted his stunning wife into Trader Vic's. She wore a dark blue satin dinner suit of a floor length fitted skirt slit to the knee and extending to a small sweep in back and a fitted jacket with a hood that was drawn over her blonde curls. She'd hand beaded the front of the jacket herself in a stunning floral design and she carried a white fox muff in lieu of a purse. Her make-up was a tempered version of what she wore on stage and Logan thought she looked like a movie star. It was all set off to perfection by her new pearls. Heads turned to catch a glimpse of the attractive couple as they were escorted to their table.

Nina excitedly sampled all the Polynesian dishes Logan ordered and the two of them sipped Trader Vic's famous Mai Tai's out of Tiki head glasses adorned with paper parasols. She giggled at the sight of her terribly masculine husband twirling a tiny pink umbrella.

After dinner she headed for the elevators but he took her arm and pulled her out the front door.

"Surprise, remember?" He said as the doorman hailed them a cab.

"Oh! And we need to travel for this surprise?"

"Yep," he confirmed as he handed her into the taxi.

The cab pulled away from the curb and turned right onto Broadway heading uptown. At 72nd Street she eyed Logan curiously, at 90th Street she shifted forward in her seat as the cab crossed onto Lenox Avenue. At 125th Street the cab pulled over and deposited them onto the sidewalk.

She looked up at the marquee over her head, which read "Savoy."

"The Savoy Ballroom?"

"We're going dancing, darlin'."

He paid their cover and they entered through the glass doors. Duke Ellington and His Orchestra were blasting away on the bandstand and the place was packed with people of every class, color and social status in all modes of dress Lindying, jitterbugging and jiving enthusiastically. They fought their way to a vacant table and sat down to bask in the riotousness for a few moments. Logan ordered them both drinks from a passing waitress.

The band broke into "Take The 'A' Train" and Logan stood up.

"Dance, darlin'?"

She placed her hand in his with a big smile and let him lead her to the dance floor. He placed an arm around her waist and began expertly executing the steps to the Lindy, leading her around the dance floor. Nina was ecstatic to find that he could do more than just Fox Trot with her to Sinatra!

They danced until Nina begged to sit, her feet beginning to swell in her heels.

They stumbled home tipsy and exhausted in the small hours of the morning.

"Logan that was so much fun!" Nina exclaimed as she fell back on the bed. Logan chucked his tie on a chair next to his jacket and crawled up next to her. His head propped on his hand he looked down into her face.

"I know how much you love to dance, sweetheart. I wanted you to have a chance to do it while you weren't working." He sat up and took one of her feet in his hands. Slipping off her shoe he began to rub her arch. "How are your feet?"

She moaned with pleasure. "Oh, that feels so good!" He reached over to her other foot, removed the shoe and began massaging that one.

"Did anyone ever tell you you have sexy feet, Nina?"

She lifted her head off the bed and gave him an amused look. "Logan, ballet dancers never have sexy feet. They have horrible, malformed, callus covered feet."

"Oh, baby," he said placing a kiss along one delicate arch, "yours are the furthest thing from that I've ever seen." He placed another kiss on her ankle and began gently moving up her leg, pushing her skirt up as he went, until he reached the top of her stocking. He paused and looked up at her with a mischievous glint in his eye.

She raised her head again wondering at the lack of activity and he gave her a wolfish grin before lowering his mouth to the garter clasped to the top of her stocking. Taking it firmly between his teeth he manipulated it until it opened. He lightly touched his tongue to the skin of her thigh and began pushing her stocking down with his lips. He heard her soft sigh of satisfaction as he worked his way back down her leg. By the time he repeated the process with the other leg her hands were fisted into the blankets. He slowly stripped off the rest of her clothing, unwrapping her like she was a rare gift, covering each newly exposed patch of skin with another kiss, until she lay before him in nothing but her pearls, just as he'd imagined her that afternoon.

He gazed at the beautiful vision she presented with dark eyes smoldering with desire. His breath caught in his throat when he saw it reflected back in hers.

He practically ripped his clothes off, desperate for the feel of her bare skin against his. When he stood naked beside the bed she held her arms out to him.

"Come here and let me thank you properly for these gorgeous pearls," she said huskily, a siren's look in her eyes.

He could do nothing but surrender to the call, sinking down next to her with a groan, tangling his limbs together with hers. She surprised and pleased him by being the aggressor, pushing him back against the pillows and covering him with urgent, passionate kisses.

After last night and this morning he knew she was no longer an innocent. She was still inexperienced but she was damned eager to learn. Gently he grasped her hips and positioned her over him, guiding himself into her while he urged her down with his other hand. She gasped and fell forward, her hands on his chest and he pressed her hips against him with his hands. Her eyes were shut and her head thrown back as she basked in the sensations they were creating. Logan reached between them and began caressing her clitoris. She cried out and began moving with him faster and faster.

Her face reflected the sheer pleasure of the moment and Logan drove her movements. He pulled her hips up until he was just barely inside her and than plunged into her again.

"Oh!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, 'oh'," he agreed shakily.

They created a complementing rhythm, riding together towards exquisite bliss.

"Nina..." he managed in a strained voice.

She didn't get a chance to answer the emotion she heard in his voice before her release broke over her, her limbs shaking like a leaf in the breeze. She heard Logan's roar of pleasure as he spilled inside her and collapsed against his chest.

"I love you, Logan."

He pulled the covers up over the both of them, his arms closing around her back.

"I love you to, Nina darlin'."

She moved to his side and curled against his heat with her head on his chest. "That" She smiled at his snort of satisfaction. Grabbing a handful of the silky hair covering his chest she tugged it playfully. "Conceited man!"

"Hey, hey! What are you trying to do? Pull it out by the roots?"

"Nothing more than you deserve for being so full of yourself."

He pulled her closer. "I didn't hear any complaints."

Nuzzling his neck she whispered, "And you won't either," hearing the answering rumble in his chest.

Sighing contentedly she thought how she wanted nothing more than to spend every night for the rest of her life just like this and fell into blissful sleep.

All too soon their idyllic respite was over. They returned home to Brooklyn on Thursday night to a happy welcome from Mike and Mrs. Lieberman.

"Hello, hello!" Mrs. L cried in greeting as they entered.

"Mommy!" Michael ran over and launched himself at Nina's legs. Then turned to Logan, "Uncle Logan! Can I call you 'daddy' now, Uncle Logan?"

Logan hefted the little boy into his arms and glanced at Nina who was looking at them with watery eyes. "What do you say, mommy?" He asked her.

"I think that would be wonderful," she said huskily.

Logan smiled at her, a brilliant smile that always made her heart skip a beat, and let himself be led into the living room where Mike's Tinker Toys lay scattered across the rug and sat down to start building with the boy.

"My goodness, Nina," Mrs. L commented, indicated all the packages they'd arrived with. "Did you buy everything on Fifth Avenue?"

"Almost," Nina giggled.

"You look happy as a stoat, my dear." The older woman lowered her voice confidentially. "Married life seems to agree with you." She turned and looked wistfully at Logan sitting cross-legged on the floor next to Mike, putting together the wooden sticks and disks into interesting shapes. "Of course I'm sure it would agree with me too if Logan was my husband."

"Mmmmmm," Nina agreed absently. Starting and blushing guiltily when Mrs. Lieberman turned to catch her looking at her husband like he was a piece of meat and she was stray dog.

Mrs. L reached over and patted her hand. "Nothing to be embarrassed about. It's nice to see two young people as in love as you and Logan are."

Their return to the theater the next morning was bittersweet for Nina. It was the last two weeks of her old life and she would miss it, but there was the thrill and anticipation of starting a new life in a new city with her husband, the man she loved more than anything in the world besides her son.

It had been agreed that since they were leaving after New Year's, Nina would relinquish her spot in the upcoming show to Windy and she would help the other woman prepare. She had only a few more performances of her own and the thought of not dancing every day made her wistful. She hoped she'd be able to find somewhere to take lessons in Edmonton and then eventually start her own school once they were settled.

Logan and Nina walked through the stage door surprised that Pops wasn't in his usual place, before either of them had a chance to comment on it though, all the work lights blazed on and the entire cast and crew yelled out "Surprise!"

Windy stepped forward to hug them both. "I think I should be angry I wasn't invited but instead I decided to throw you a party. Congratulations you two."

Everyone stepped forward then to offer their good wishes and Nina could see they'd set up a long table with refreshments and punch and decorated the area with streamers and paper bells.

They spent a pleasant half hour nibbling and sipping and listening to everyone tell them how surprised they all were to hear that they'd eloped before everyone had to get to work and prepare for the day's performances.

The next two weeks were a whirlwind of activity for Logan and Nina. There were the final performances of the old show to get through and the rehearsals for the new show, which Nina was heavily involved in, but they also needed to sort through everything in Nina's apartment, pack up what needed to be shipped to Canada and dispose of what they weren't taking.

A furnished house was being provided for Logan as part of his employment until they could buy one of their own. Logan was determined that would be soon if he had to build the damn thing with his own two hands, but at least they didn't have to worry about shipping any furniture.

Christmas came and went and they would hardly have noticed if it hadn't been for Michael and his excitement. They spent the day quietly as a family after opening gifts in the morning. Nina prepared a dinner for them and they invited Mrs. Lieberman to spend the day with them.

Before they knew it, it was New Year's Eve and time for the new show to open. The company would celebrate after the last performance finished at 11 o' clock with a combination cast party, New Year's Eve celebration and a farewell to Nina and Logan, who would be leaving for Edmonton in two days.

Nina was on the sidelines tonight, watching Windy fill the soubrette spot like a proud mother hen but Logan had to work until final curtain so they didn't spend much time together that night apart from intermissions and the time between shows. Logan was looking forward to 11 o'clock so they could celebrate the New Year together. Once they'd put in their appearance at the party he was going to take her home and celebrate the New Year properly...alone. He grinned wolfishly at the thought; no surprise he couldn't keep his hands off his wife. Good thing she couldn't seem to keep her hands off him either.

At 11:10 Logan stood, two glasses of champagne punch in hand, waiting for his wife to appear from wherever she was.

He grabbed Windy as she walked past.

"Have you seen Nina?"

"The last I saw she was back in the dressing room packing up the last of her things and freshening up for the party."

"Thanks," he said, heading in the indicated direction. He knocked on the door and went in but the room was empty. Nina's coat and suitcase were still there but no Nina. He sniffed; she'd been here just a few minutes ago. He detected more scents though, one was Rosie's...shit...and the other the familiar scent he'd smelled on Rosie once before. His mind worked desperately trying to place it. It was so familiar and then it came to him all at once and his heart plummeted to the pit of his stomach. It was that lunatic, Creed! Victor Creed, his worst nightmare and even worse enemy. Their feud was long standing. The man had hated him from the moment they'd met and the feeling was mutual. What the hell was he doing in New York? With Rosie? Goddammit, the two of them had Nina.

It was then he noticed the open window. Their scents led out to the fire escape. He ran back downstairs and grabbed his jacket. Joe noticed him rushing through the crowd and called to him.

"Hey, where ya going? Where's Brandy?"

Logan kept going out the stage door but Joe caught the words "Rosie" and "Nina" and saw the panicked look on Logan's face and understood completely. He took off after Logan who stood in the alley below the dressing room fire escapes. It seemed to Joe he was looking around.

"Logan, what's going on?"

"She's gone! I know Rosie took her." He didn't mention why he knew that. "I'm going after her."

"Son, you should come back inside and call the police."

Logan almost laughed out loud. The police? And what was he supposed to tell them? "Well officer, you see my former lover and my worst enemy have somehow joined forces to kidnap my wife. What's that? How do I know this? Well, I smelled them of course." Yeah. Sure.

Windy came running up, her coat thrown over her shoulders. "Is everything alright? I saw Logan run out like the devil himself was chasing him."

"Nina's gone, we think Rosie took her," Joe told her. "You go back in and call the police, I'm going with Logan to look for them."

"Joe..." Logan began.

"I don't wanna hear it Logan. That little gal is very special to me and so are you. I'm not letting you do this alone."

Logan acquiesced with a curt nod. He turned to Windy. "Don't call the police until you hear from one of us. We'll let you know where they should go."

He waited impatiently in the alley while Joe went to get his coat and hat.

"How do you plan to find them?" He asked when he emerged.

"Gonna track them," Logan told him. "Just like I would if I was home in Canada."

"Logan, I don't know if you've noticed but this isn't Canada, it's New York City."

Logan gave Joe a sharp look. "I know that. It will be harder but it won't be impossible. Just trust me and don't get in my way.

Joe nodded. Logan led them out to 14th Street and stood on the corner, scenting the air surreptitiously. Shit...they'd gotten in a cab. Well that was going to make it a damn sight harder but still not impossible.

Logan stuck his hand out and a taxi came screeching to a halt. He and Joe got in and Logan told the cabbie, "Just drive until I tell you to stop."

Nina was gagged and bound to a hard ladder-back chair. Her back was stiff and her joints were aching. It had been four hours since Rosie and her boyfriend had surprised her in her dressing room. They'd allowed her to walk into the hotel under her own power and without a gag. Rosie had thrown a coat over her bound hands and then held a stiletto in her back to ensure her cooperation.

The man, whom Rosie had called Victor, was lounging back against the headboard of the bed leering at her. She saw he had a revolver on the bedside table, close at hand if needed.

"So you're the runt's frail, eh?" His grin sent shivers through her. "Hmm, well you're kinda scrawny for my tastes. I like a dame with a little meat on her bones like Rosie here," he said giving the redhead a playful swat on the rump.

Rosie sank down next to him on the bed and put her arms around him, cooing. "I told Logan there would be trouble, puta. How does it feel to know you're going to be the bait to lure him to his sordid end?"

"Shut up, Rosie." Vic commanded.

Tears spilled down Nina's cheeks. From what she could tell, this man Victor knew Logan and hated him. He and Rosie had somehow met up with each other and discovered their mutual goal of inflicting harm on him and were using her to lure him to this squalid hotel and...well, it was too horrible to even think about bu,t she knew if they had their way neither she nor Logan would be leaving.

It was nearing two o'clock when Logan told the driver to stop the car. They'd been driving around for the past few hours with the window down and Logan sniffing the air like a dog, much to the unease of both Joe and the cabbie, who thought he'd completely lost his mind.

Now he and Joe were standing on a corner in Hell's Kitchen in front of a dingy former tenement, which was now a dingy Single Room Occupancy.

Logan looked up at the building. "They're in there," he said.

Joe didn't dare ask him how he knew.

"Go call Windy," the younger man said, "and then wait here for the police."

"Logan, you're going to need someone to watch your back."

"Joe, she's my wife. This is my problem, I don't want you getting hurt because of us."

Logan went in and spoke to the desk clerk. "Listen, bub, do you have a tall blonde fella staying here? You may have seen him with a redhead and a petite blonde."

The desk clerk looked up warily, "Guest information is confidential. I can't tell you that."

Logan's last shred of patience gave way and he grabbed the clerk by the lapels. "You'd better tell me before I break your fucking nose."

The clerk looked into Logan's eyes and saw that he was dead serious. He swallowed against his suddenly dry mouth. "Upstairs, Room 502. Top floor in the corner," he squeaked out.

Logan let go of the clerk and smoothed down the front of his shirt. "Thank you, I appreciate you being so helpful," he said wryly.

As he climbed the stairs, Logan prayed silently. He'd never, ever been able to best Creed one-on-one and he hoped he could find whatever it was he needed within himself to do it now. If he was correct, his and Nina's lives depended on it. He bypassed the fifth floor and kept going to the roof.

He peered over the edge, the window to Creed's room wasn't the far below him. He could see Rosie had her back to it. He grasped the edge of the eave with his fingers and slowly swung his legs over, bracing his feet against the brick above the window. He took several deep breaths to gather his concentration before swinging down and plunging his legs through the glass, catching Rosie in the back. His kick sent her sprawling across the room where she hit her head against the metal footboard of the bed and collapsed unconscious.

Good. Now it was just he and Creed as it should be. A quick glance at Nina told him she was bound but unharmed. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to cut her loose. Right now he needed to deal with Creed who was reaching for his gun. Logan brought his foot into contact with Creed's hand and kicked the gun away. It skittered across the bed and landed in the corner.

"Ah, ah," Logan admonished, "you wouldn't want to shoot an unarmed man now would you, Vic?"

Creed grinned ferally, no hint of pleasure in the smile at all. "I'll do anything it takes to get rid of you, runt."

Logan chuckled mirthlessly. "Too bad you haven't been able to do it yet," he said nonchalantly before springing on Creed with all his weight. The two of them sprawled across the bed and onto the floor on the other side.

They began pummeling each other for everything they were worth. Creed hauled Logan up by his lapels and gave him a hard right to the jaw, knocking him through the flimsy door and into the hallway. Logan quickly regained his feet and charged the bigger man, pushing him back down the hall, away from the room and Nina.

The other occupants had enough sense of self-preservation garnered from years of living in sleazy hotels to know enough to stay in their rooms with the door shut.

Creed faced Logan at the top of the stairs. He feinted with his right and snapped Logan's head back with a left uppercut. Logan spun and slid down the stairs to the next landing. Creed followed quickly and pummeled him with his fists until blood was pouring from Logan's nose and his face was covered in numerous bruises and cuts in various stages of healing.

Creed dragged Logan down the rest of the stairs to the next floor and pinned him up against the wall with one meaty fist to the throat. Logan saw the other hand disappear behind him and reappear with a 12-inch hunting knife.

"You never could beat me, runt," Creed hissed into Logan's face. "Too bad you never learned that." The knife glittered menacingly as Creed's arm raised, ready to plunge the knife into Logan's heart.

Creed froze, a look of pain and disbelief on his face, dropping the knife. Logan realized he'd heard a gunshot and then two more. Creed slumped to the floor unconscious, three bullet holes in his back and side.

Logan took great gulps of air into his burning lungs as his throat suddenly opened up. He caught a glimpse of Nina on the stairs holding Creed's smoking revolver before he collapsed to the floor. She was suddenly in his lap sobbing hysterically.

"Oh my God. Logan, he was going to kill you! HE WAS GOING TO KILL YOU!" she shrieked. Grabbing him around the neck she began rocking back and forth. His arms came up around her waist and he hugged her close.

"He was gonna try his damndest, darlin'." She began wailing loudly again and he had to raise his voice to get her to listen to him. "But he didn't! Thanks to you."

The sun was rising over the East River when Logan and Nina were finally finished giving their statements to the police and Logan was checked over by a doctor and given a clean bill of health. No one commented on his lack of cuts or bruises and he was thankful. His voice was still raspy from the throttling Creed had given him but he'd be fine in another day.

Logan and Nina were just about to enter a squad car to be escorted home when a young officer came running up to the captain in charge.

"Sir, the suspect has escaped!"

"The woman?"

"No sir. The man."

"What? How can that be? The man was unconscious in the back of an ambulance with three .22 slugs in his back!"

"I don't know, sir. All I know is what came over the radio."

The captain turned to Logan. "Mr. Logan, for both your and your wife's safety I think we're going to post a police guard on your apartment until you leave for Canada."

Logan nodded and got into the squad car with Nina. As far as he was concerned, they couldn't leave soon enough

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - One Year Later

Nina looked out the kitchen window to see Logan pull up on his new motorcycle. Michael was perched behind him, his hair ruffled, cheeks bright red from the biting wind.

The two came in stomping snow off their boots.

"Mommy!" Mike called out excitedly. "Guess what I learned how to do today?"


"I learned how to skate backwards!"

"That's wonderful, honey! Now go get washed up for dinner, ok? You can tell me all about it while we eat." She watched indulgently as he ran off to put his skates away and get ready for the evening meal.

She turned an affectionate eye to her husband. "I wish you wouldn't take him out on the motorcycle in this weather, honey, you'll both catch your death."

He kissed her sweetly. "Sorry, honey. I'll put it away in the garage tomorrow. It's just a novelty and he's so excited about it I wanted to give him a ride. You won't see it again 'til spring."

"He's not the only one who's excited about."

He grinned wryly at her and went to get washed up.

After dinner, Logan poured himself a whiskey and settled onto the couch. He sighed contentedly and gazed out the picture window in the living room. Even though it was dark he could imagine the beautiful white expanse of snowy meadows stretching off to the Rockies in the distance. In the spring he knew those meadows would be full of colorful wildflowers and smiled slightly at the thought of making love to Nina in the midst of them, the warm sun turning her beautiful skin to gold.

Lost in his daydream he didn't notice Nina slide down the couch to snuggle next to him until he felt her warm, soft lips planting kisses along his neck. He flung his arm over her shoulder.

She moved to straddle his hips and smiled slyly into his eyes. Cool fingers began unbuttoning his wool shirt.

"Mmm, darlin', do you want your son to wake up and see his parents making love on the living room couch? It will scar him for life."

She chuckled and bent down to kiss him. "He's asleep upstairs all the way on the other side of the house. He'll never hear a thing."

A whisper of soft cotton and he'd rucked her skirt up around her thighs. He could smell the damp silk of her panties pressed against his swelling erection and his head dropped back against the couch. Glittering hazel eyes watched with obvious delight as she began undoing the buttons of her cotton shirtwaist until it hung open around her.

His hands slid into her panties to cup her buttocks before slipping lightly over her thighs. He brushed her already-wet sex with feathery strokes, eliciting a little mewl of delight from her. Lifting up onto her knees slightly she undid his belt and the buttons of his jeans and he lifted his hips to aid her in sliding them down along with his boxer shorts.

Dimly, in the back of his brain, he thought about how his innocent young wife of a year ago had been transformed into the wanton on his lap who gave as good as she got in terms of their passion. Right now she was grinding her hips against his rock hard penis in a way that was driving him crazy. He ripped the crotch seam on her panties and hiked them up to her waist. With bruising urgency he guided her down onto his shaft.

She arched her back, thrusting her silk-clad breasts into his face, knowing they would be irresistible to him. He didn't disappoint. His hands slid under her bra, pushing it up and out of the way. Hungry lips swooped down to claim one rosy nipple, suckling it and teasing it as if he'd never get enough.

She was riding him hard now and he thrust up to meet her, matching her rhythm. He could hear his own breath rasping loudly as he neared his climax, along with the little sounds Nina made in her throat when she was close to peaking; they never failed to make him wild with lust.

He could feel the muscles of her passage contract as she came around him, her face buried in his shoulder so she wouldn't scream and wake up Michael, and he reached the summit only a split second behind her, both of them riding the falls to the other side together.

He held her gently against his chest, listening to her breathing as it slowed against his neck.

"Logan?" She said in a dozy voice. "Remember our wedding night?"

He smiled. "How could I forget, darlin'?"

"Remember how you told me it would only get better?"

"Mmm hmmm. And it has, hasn't it?" He asked with humor in his voice.

She moved to look into his eyes. "Can you stand it getting even better?"

His brows knit together with confusion, questioning eyes searching her face.

She took a deep breath and cupped his face between her hands.

"Logan...I'm going to have a baby."

He looked stunned for a moment as if he didn't quite comprehend what she'd told him before he broke into an ecstatic grin. He began covering her face with kisses.

"Nina, baby! That's the most wonderful thing I've ever heard! Oh, darlin', I...Oh my God! Shouldn't you be in bed? I mean...what we just did..."

She laughed through tears of happiness. "Logan, I won't break. I waited tables with Michael until I was six months gone. And for some reason being pregnant makes me wanna do...what we just did...even more." She gave a throaty laugh.

He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to their bedroom where he made love to her for the rest of the night. Sometimes it was slow and gentle, sometimes hot and primal but always, always it conveyed everything they felt for each other.

Now hours later as he held her in his arms and watched the pink and peach rays of dawn moving across the room all he could think of was the strange turn his life had taken a year ago. If he'd never been shipped out with the Americans, if he hadn't decided to stay in New York, he wouldn't be holding this beautiful woman in his arms right now and she wouldn't be about to give him the beautiful gift of a child...their child.

He tightened his grip on her and she murmured and curled closer to his heat.

He couldn't imagine being any happier than he was right now. God help anyone, even Victor Creed, if they tried to take any of this away from him. He'd kill anyone who tried.


Department H Headquarters - Ottawa, Canada - 1987

Logan sat behind his desk and chewed on his unlit cigar, disgusted that the Powers That Be wouldn't let him smoke in the building, even in his own damn office! Glancing at his desk clock he realized it was time to go meet the new research geeks Mac was bringing in to help work on some pet project he was all hot for. He snorted in amusement. He'd never understand why Mac thought they needed some high falutin' research department to develop weapons; a metal skeleton and six nine inch claws seemed like damned good self-defense to him.

Reluctantly he headed for the lab. He hated that place with a vengeance and all the lab-coated eggheads in it. Shaking his head he wondered if he'd always been such a grouchy sonuva bitch or if that was another by-product of the process that equipped him with his 'miraculous' skeletal enhancements.

He peered through the window and saw that the introductions had already started. Slipping in quietly he took what he hoped was an inconspicuous place at the back of the group. It didn't do any good; eagle eye Mac noticed his entrance.

"Thank you for taking the time to join us Wolverine," he greeted wryly.

He smiled contritely. "Sorry," he mumbled.

Mac's wife Heather slipped in beside him. "You know he hates it when anyone is late for one of his presentations," she whispered.

"And he knows how much I hate the lab," Logan told her out of the side of his mouth. They both turned their attention back to Mac's speech.

"And so I'd like to introduce Dr. Michael Dillard who will be the supervisor of research, reporting directly to me." There was a round of polite applause and good-looking man in his mid-40's stepped forward to address the assembled brass regarding his plans for overseeing the work in the lab.

Dillard's eyes moved over the assembly as he spoke, "As you can see we've arranged the research assistants' cubicles in the center of the room with access to the research stations along the..." he stopped abruptly as he caught sight of Logan standing next to Mac. Dillard blanched white and felt slightly dizzy but quickly recovered himself and continued.

Michael finished his schpiel, though he wasn't exactly sure how he got through it. He accepted the welcome and congratulations of the brass in a polite daze while trying to make his way to Mac.

"Well, congratulations, Mike, you made it through your first official meeting with the brass," Mac said shaking the man's hand.

"Uh, thanks. Mac, who was that man who was standing with you?"

"Oh, Logan? That's the Wolverine, Mac's hand picked team leader. You shouldn't take his leaving without introducing himself personally. He's a good man but doesn't have many social graces," Heather told him with a smile. "I'm actually here to see if I can drag him out to lunch with me and Mac. Would you like to join us?"

"Logan? His name is Logan?" Michael mumbled dimly.

"Are you alright, Mike? You look a little pale."

"What? Oh, yeah. I guess it's just the excitement - first day and all, you know. I think I'll go back to my office for a little bit. I'll see you at the 2 o' clock, Mac."

Michael went back to his office and closed the door.

They'd just delivered his belongings that morning and they were still in boxes, but he dug around and found a bottle of Crown Royal. A little more digging and he located the envelope he was looking for.

Pouring a healthy amount of the whiskey into his coffee mug he sat down behind his desk. He opened the envelope and photographs of different ages and sizes spilled across his desk. Many of them had his mother's flowing handwriting across the back. One in particular caught his eye. It was a picture of Michael with his step-dad, and half-brother and sister in Wood Buffalo National Park on one of their regular camping trips. Mike, JJ and Micheline were all holding up strings of fish they'd caught while their dad stood behind them beaming happily. His mother had written across the back "Jim, Mike, JJ and Micheline, 1958."

All kinds of crazy things were going through his head. Had his father had another secret life that included another family? Was this man, who was also named Logan and looked just like his father, a son by some other woman he'd had an affair with? Is that why he'd disappeared over twenty years ago? Michael shook is head and looked down at the picture again. That seemed pretty far-fetched.

He thought. Wolverine was a mutant with an enhanced healing factor. He wondered if JJ and Micheline had ever been tested for the X-Factor. In retrospect it would explain a lot of things about their childhood. They never had measles, chicken pox or any of the other things that he had had to suffer through while they were all at school. In fact, the two of them were never sick at all and consistently got perfect attendance citations.

He quickly signed onto the Department H mainframe and searched for Logan's file, quickly skimming it for any relevant information.

Pawing through the pile of papers he found the old newspaper clippings he was after. Downing the last of his whiskey, he pushed his chair back and went in search of Logan's office.

He paused outside the door. What if he was wrong? There could be so many other explanations for this mystery. It could all be a big coincidence. Yeah right. There just happened to be two men named Logan who looked exactly the same. He raised his hand and knocked.

"What?" Came the terse reply.

He entered somewhat reluctantly. "Captain Logan..."

The other man looked up. "Dillard, right?" He stood and held out his hand.

"Yes, that's right. Um, I don't want to take up too much of your time, Captain. I understand from reading your file that you have no memory of your life before you met the Hudsons two years ago."

Logan's face was impassive as he looked at the other man. "Yes, that's right."

Michael pushed the newspaper clippings and photograph across the desk. "I think this might be part of what you're looking for."

Logan glanced down at the clippings and was about to question Dillard but when he looked up the other man was already gone and he could hear his footsteps fading down the hallway.

He picked up the first clipping. It was dated May 22, 1967 - twenty years ago. "Local Man Disappears. Wife and Family Fear for Safety," stated a 38-point headline. Logan read the short article.

Local businessman, James J. Logan, co-owner of Alberta Construction Company, has been missing under questionable circumstances since May 2. He left his home in an Edmonton suburb on his way to his office in the city but never made it.

"I just hope that wherever he is he knows we miss him," stated his wife, Nina. "Our son Michael is graduating from medical school next week. I'm praying the police can locate him and bring him home to us safely by then."

Authorities have been tracking all leads uncovered since that day but physical evidence has been almost non-existent. Foul play has not been ruled out at this point.

Logan quickly picked up the other clipping. It was an obituary from the Edmonton Journal and showed a picture of an attractive older woman dated December 19, 1986 - less than a year ago.

Mrs. Nina Dillard Logan, 65

Long-time local resident and patron of the arts, Mrs. Nina Dillard Logan passed away last night at the age of 65. Doctors say the cause of death was congestive heart failure.

Mrs. Logan, whose husband disappeared mysteriously nearly twenty years ago, was a driving force behind the construction of local community arts centers throughout the greater Edmonton area over the years. Last week she cut the ribbon on the James J. Logan Community Arts Center named in memory of her husband.

She is survived by her children; Michael R. Dillard of Ottawa, her son from a previous marriage, James J. Logan, Jr. residing in Edmonton, and Micheline Logan Rogers of Seattle, Washington.

Donations to the Community Arts Center Foundation are being requested in lieu of flowers.

Dillard? Ok, so this was his mother's obit. He hoped that this guy wasn't hinting that he thought Logan was his stepfather. It was then the photograph caught his eye.

He turned it over. "Jim, Mike, JJ and Micheline, 1958." He flipped it back to the front and stared long and hard at it. If that wasn't him it was damn sure someone who looked a helluva a lot like him. But how could it be when this picture was dated 1958?

Shit! That tears it, he thought. He'd been moping around Ottawa for the past year feeling claustrophobic. He knew he owed everything to Mac and Heather, for God's sake they'd taught him how to eat with a fork again when they found him naked and crazed in the Alberta wilderness, but he owed it to himself to get the answers to the questions of his life. Questions that had just gotten more urgent and more compelling with the information Dillard had brought to light.

Mac wasn't going to like it one bit but it was best for all of them. It would be hard to leave Heather and Mac but it was time to go back to Alberta and find out who he was. And like everything else in his life, he'd do it alone.

He just had one stop to make before he left. He crossed to the door and went in search of Michael Dillard.


The End