***Disclaimer: The X-Men and all related titles, characters, their distinctive likenesses, and indicia are ™  &  ©  Marvel Characters Group, Inc. and/or  ©  20th Century Fox Film Corporation. This site is unofficial for entertainment purposes only, and is neither authorized nor endorsed by Marvel Comics or 20th Century Fox.

Please note that all original artwork is produced by fans for entertainment purposes only. Casting choices do not necessarily reflect any actual casting on any X-Men movies or any movies in production, and may not even reflect a movie in production at all.

Original/Created and NPC characters are the sole property of their creators and you must get the owner's permission to use their character(s) or it's likeness in any capacity.

All Original/Created characters, NPC characters and concepts are ™ and © of their respective owners. All artworks are © of their respective owners.***

WARNING!: Some of the artwork on this site may contain mild partial nudity. Enter at your own risk.***
Ever wonder what life is REALLY like for the X-Men? What goes on behind the scenes and in between the battles? Well, the X-Men are only human and they do the same things everyone else does...

They live and they love!

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