mp4um x+
Server 2000  v3.0      by    Wang Products

360 kb  Server setup package
36 kb VB5   Server.exe  from  setup package

Need :   msvbvm50.dll , comdlg32.ocx , mswinsck.ocx ,   34 kb   nslock15vb5.ocx.

Screenshots :   1     2

Wang   info :

" When I used to find Wingate and Proxy servers, I always logged them in a text file. However, it soon became clear these servers opened and closed all the time. This left me with a list of servers of which only a few still worked. The only option I had was to try to connect to each server individually to see if it was still alive. As you can imagine - this took quite a while!

Server 2000 solves this problem by automating the task. You can simply give it a list of servers, and it will find all the servers that are still up and give you the option of updating your list. This leaves you with a fully functional list of servers!

To my knowledge this is the only program of its type available - and trust me, it really is useful. If you have any comments, ideas for improvements, or you find any bugs, please email Wang Products

How to use Server 2000

First of all, you need a list of servers.

When you have found some, record them in a file like this:   [hostname or IP] : [port] .
The hostname or IP is required, the port option need only be used if the server is NOT on your default port.
If Server 2000 sees an entry in the text file like: it will connect to on your default port.
If it sees an entry like this: it will connect to on port 30.

So an example file with four entries would be:

Now you need to set a server 'Timeout'. This is an amount of time in seconds that you want Server 2000 to wait before disconnecting from the server it is trying, and going on to the next one. A short time will mean that you may miss some of the servers that are slow or take a while to respond to a connection. A good time would be around 10 seconds. Also, for accurate server type detection, a longer time out is requried.

Now you can set your default connection port. This is the port on which you want Server 2000 to connect to if no port is specified in the list file. The standard default is port 23.

Load your list into Server 2000 using the 'Browse' button, and then choose 'Search'.

Once all the servers have been scanned you will see a list of the active servers and a couple of new options will be shown. 'Update list' will update your server list (ie. take out any void ones) and 'Finish' will finish the session. The new telnet feature will allow you to select a server and a port, and then directly telnet to it. Also, if the server was recognised as being a specific type of server, the type will be listed to the right of the server name.

Whats New in Release 3.0

Server 2000 can now detect certain types of servers and produce a report showing which active servers are of which type.
New report allows you to easily browse through the list of active servers and see how many active servers you have.
Double clicking on an active server will copy its name to the clipboard.
A new telnet feature has been added which allows you to telnet to the server directly from within server 2000."