mp4um x+
Calamus 2.0   by  ad4

(From Calamus dox)

" How to work Calamus

(A) First start off by getting a list of working cacheflow proxies,
I recommend for searching proxies.

Available proxies as of 11th October 2000: (I do not support finding and updating of new Proxies)

(B) Double-click the interface you want to edit, eg double-click the first space. Now enter a listen-port (this is the port you will connect to) for example '23', then enter the destination host like this; (for the Eighth Wonder website it would look like this:, since 80 is the default web port) then enter the cacheflow proxy you want to use in the same format as destination eg '' and finish it off by pressing OK.
Now it should look something like this:

Select the Method to use, eg CONNECT, GET or POST. GET and POST are used when surfing the web while CONNECT lets you connect and send commands/strings to the remote host.

(C) Check interface 1 by clicking in the square left of '23' and then press start the first line should now turn green if no errors occur.

(D) Open your web browser and use this location to get to the Eighth Wonder website anonymously, http://localhost:23 or

More examples:

Listen: 6667
Connect via proxy:

Press OK and check the interface and press start (you can also right-click the interface to start and choose 'Start') wait for it to turn green. Open your IRC client (mIRC or Pirch works great) and then type '/server localhost 6667' in the status screen.
If it does not connect type '/user IDENT localhost localhost NAME' as well as '/nick NICKNAME' for it to connect properly.

Listen: 23
Connect via proxy:
Press OK and Start, when Green open your telnet client and connect to 'localhost 23' wait for it to connect to you telnet server and have fun with your new IP.

The DEBUG window

When the debug window is shown it allows you to send strings or commands either to the connected server or the connected client, first choose the interface you want to send to: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or ALL (ALL makes you send the string to all interfaces at once) then select who you want to send the string/command to: Client, Server or Both
Enter the string/command you want to send and press 'Send', this can be used to send commands or strings that the client or server not know of eg if someone is using Calamus to connect to IRC you can talk and send text to a channel without the Client seeing if you have chosen to send to Server.

The main window

By double-clicking the Adapter statistics you will see the in/out buffer of that interface eg you can spy on all data sent between the server and client. You will see everything from passwords to URLs and/or private messages.
By right-clicking the Adapter status you will get the option to clear that interface, all interfaces or Save the buffer
to file. "

Evaluation period  = 14-days