@   2lz  

01/28/2005 updated


Old Apirator  (9 kb) + old Apirator page  (40 kb)

New preliminary simplified variant:   s0mApirator  (31 kb)

APIrator is just
API demonstrator
based on Iczelion's
Win32 + PE tutorials
Assembler, freeware.

ApiViewer 2004

api_constants  (470 kb) '

masm32\include\ +
+ Search and Replace

Styles  (31 kb) '

SystImages  (4 kb) '

Resource Hacker

MemSpy  (43 kb) '

Export view  (20 kb) '




Kerberos spy  (40 kb) '


MS Spy++

WinSight  (166 kb) '


Spy & Capture

WindowScanner  (1 mb) '

WinTreeSnap  (7 kb) '

FrameRector  (7 kb) '

  (Sort, Find, ... Asm, etc)

Shell for APIrator (v.2004.10.31) + info  (18 kb ,  s0mApirator's call-commands arn't joined yet)


How to get full list of export from system 32bit DLLs on your computer: 1) Goto sysmenu of APIrator, 2) click "Get system 32bit DLLs", 3) then click "Save summary Export", 4) then open file _sumexport.txt with help of UltraEdit 5) and sort this text (menu "File" -> "Sort" -> "Advanced Sort/Options..."). 6) Change "_sumexport.txt" name.
IN BRIEF: (1) It is just shell for APIrator: s0mApirator's call-commands arn't joined yet. (2) After 1-st run APIrator creates: file _libraries.ini (empty); file _apirator.in_ (last size, position and other window params); file _apilog.txt (content of Output-Edit if it isn't empty). After next runs: restoration size, position and other window params from file _apirator.in_; filling Lib-combobox from _libraries.ini; _apilog.txt continuation. (3) Sysmenu: "Get system 32bit DLLs" => filling Lib-combo ("please wait...") "Save Libraries" -> file _libs.txt from Lib-combo (you can copy part of _libs.txt to _libraries.ini) . "Save selected Export" -> file _export.txt from Exp-combo. Other items are working too. (4) 'Upgrade' for standard caption buttons (use right button click): MIN-button + WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN => tray MAX-button + WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN => disabled MAX-button + (not WS_THICKFRAME) Disabled MAX-button + WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN => enabled MAX-button + WS_THICKFRAME CLOSE-button + WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN => trigger: HELP-button instead of MIN/MAX-buttons and vice versa. HELP-button + WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN => tray (5) Some ways to get export (names) from DLL: - Sysmenu -> 'Open...' - Sysmenu -> 'Get system 32bit DLLs' - Drag'n'drop DLL to APIrator - Choose DLL from list in lib.combo - Just type full path to DLL in lib.combo; but if DLL lies in system/windows/APIrator directory - just type DLL's name only. (6) Drag&Drop: if file is PE with export => insertion into the list of DLLs (in Lib-combo); if file isn't PE => loading to Input-Edit as z-string (for Win98 its limit =64 kb). (7) Key F8: if APIrator's window is foreground - info from point under cursor -> Output-Edit. (8) Clicks: WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK to Exp-combo => typing Start and End parts of CALL-command in Input-Edit: [selected in Lib-combo],,[selected in Exp-combo],,  WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK to Input-Edit => not working yet for CALL-commands, just beep. WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK to Lib-combo => reserv, just beep WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK to Output-Edit => reserv, just beep WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK to main window => regimes trigger + bg_color trigger#1 WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK to main window => client area capture trigger + bg_color trigger#2 WM_LBUTTONDOWN to main window => works with client area capture (9) Regimes trigger. Main window, Input-Edit and Output-Edit have style WS_THICKFRAME, so it's easy to change size and position of monolithic block of controls (Lib-combo + Exp-combo + Input-Edit + Output-Edit). After 1-st WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK to main window => fixed size/pos of block, after 2-nd WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK to main window => expansible size/pos, then 3-d = 1-st, etc. So it's easy to free place, say, for new control.