xKKNDx Starcraft Strategies Starcraft Strategies
The Ultimate Starcraft Clan
     So far only two people have successfully been accepted to the notoriously feared clan. You can find them on battle.net. There names are xKKNDxBrisk and xKKNDxDIE. Left are their  own strategies and tactics and prefernces on the game of starcraft.
Here is a picture of a recent victory. xKKNDxBrisk is the white zerg race and xKKNDxDIE is the purple Terran Race. It was the standard 3v3 no clutter map. When allies failed to come to xKKNDxBrisk aid when xKKNDxDIE was masterfully destroying xKKNDxBrisk's base....things got personal. After just wiping out each others army xKKNDxBrisk and xKKNDxDIE decide to ally each other and declare war on everyone else. Normally a 2v4 battle ends up in the underdog  getting murdered but mixed with luck and pure skill they destroy their enemys.Below if you notice the battlecruiser has 25 kills. He just finished off two protoss fleets and that was the only survivor, and of course he sends him directly into battle.
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Our newest member is just 2 weeks old...but as you can tell from the pictures below....A NATURAL.
Her Zerg troops are destroying the protoss home base in the picture to the left and the picture to the right you notice her sit back and relax and watch as her zerg forces punish the enemy zerg base. Even thou she may need help sitting up and someone to hold her head into position, she is a lethal player. You may notice the soda in the picture.. She explained to me that it keeps her senses up so she can deliver the most productive starcraft game. I bet you hope your kids are as cool as this one.
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