C'mon, bite me. You know you want to.....

Labyrinth Home

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Harry Potter Links
Lemony Snicket Links
Lord of the Rings Links
Neopets Links
Neil Gaiman Links
Terry Pratchett Links
Fun Stuff

Personality Quizzes
RavenBlack Vampires
The Secret Cat Diaries
The Very Secret Diaries of Cassandra Claire

Welcome to Lagniappe Labyrinth!

Somewhere outside, the sun is shining, birds are chirping, people are peopling -- yet for some odd reason you have chosen to surf the web and managed somehow to stumble upon my site. Ah well. 10 points for you!

Origin of Lagniappe Labyrinth

Labyrinth: ''a mazelike network of tunnels, chambers, or paths, either natural or man-made. ''

Lagniappe: ''an unexpected surprise, a treat that you did not anticipate.'' or ''a little something extra'' for a customer or stranger. Pronounced 'lan-yap' (say it with me, won't you: 'laaaaan - yap') this word derived from the Louisiana French creole culture dating back to the 18th century.

This site is where we collect a network of oddball and unexpected treats and webpages for you to enjoy. Thus, Lagniappe Labyrinth was born.

If you have found my Labyrinth, then we must have similar interests. My Labyrinth is a collection of links and other random oddities of topics I fancy. The Labyrinth will continue to grow -- but in the meantime, look to your left and click on the topic you fancy.


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