










~*Jan Vaughan*~



The Choice ~ Jan Vaughan
Summary: "The Choice" is a post-Friend In Need piece that brings Xena back to life. Gabrielle is in Egypt, attempting to find a way to bring Xena back. But there is an evil power who threatens to suck up the life force contained in Xena's ashes; destroying her essence throughout all her lifetimes. And that means no reincarnation; no future lives with her soul mate, Gabrielle. Gabrielle must enlist powerful forces to restore Xena back to life. But it is Xena who must finally make The Choice that will allow those forces to bring her back. Subtext-Is-Maintext Disclaimer: The characters Xena and Gabrielle are depicted as lovers, soul mates and friends. There are no sex scenes. However, there is physical affection between the two women. If this bothers you, please choose another piece to read. Violence - There are a couple of fight scenes but nothing above PG13 in the violence category. Body count = 1 but he's a bad guy.
Rating: PG - 13





Xena ~ Jordan
Summary: A poem from Gabrielle's point of view as she remembers the one she loves
Rating: G